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词汇 奖牌
例句 She brought honour to her country as an Olympic medal-winner.她赢得奥运会奖牌,为祖国增了光。The medal is being keenly contested by eight gymnasts.八名体操运动员在激烈争夺这枚奖牌He was stripped of his Olympic title after testing positive for anabolic steroids.他的蛋白同化甾类检查呈阳性后,被剥夺了奥运奖牌The first three participants to place in each event will receive medals.每个项目的前三名选手将获得奖牌In the cup final, each player gets a medal, even the substitutes.参加决赛的每个球员都能得到一枚奖牌,甚至连替补球员也有。Our school won the county basketball shield this year.我们学校赢得了今年全郡篮球赛盾形奖牌Silva is favoured to win a medal in the marathon.大家看好席尔瓦会在马拉松赛上拿奖牌She's the team's best hope/chance for a medal.她是队里最有希望/可能拿奖牌的队员。He realized a lifelong dream/goal by winning an Olympic medal.他赢得一枚奥运会奖牌,实现了一辈子的梦想/目标。Germany has the potential to medal in gymnastics this year.今年德国有可能在体操项目上获得奖牌He represents our best hope for a swimming medal.他是我们获得游泳奖牌的最大希望。She was the first British markswoman to win a medal in the Olympic Games.她是英国第一位在奥运会上夺得奖牌的女射手。Olive wreaths were awarded to the Olympic victors.橄榄花冠被授予奥运奖牌获得者。Despite fierce competition, she made a gallant effort to win the first medal of the championships.面对激烈的竞争,她顽强拼搏,终于夺得了锦标赛的首枚奖牌Everyone cheered as the winners received their medals.当优胜者接受奖牌时,大家都欢呼起来。Imagine winning an Olympic medal - now that would be something.想象一下赢得了奥运会奖牌——那将是很了不起的。Some athletes are prepared to risk their health to win a medal.有些运动员已做好准备用健康去换取奖牌She had failed to get a medal at the two previous Olympics: but then she emerged from the chrysalis of mediocrity to fly.前两届奥运会她无缘奖牌,但之后她破茧而出,一飞冲天。The winning team went up to collect their medals获胜队上前领取奖牌Cuba scooped the pool in the boxing at this year's Olympics.古巴囊括了今年奥运会拳击项目的所有奖牌Van Koeverden medalled at three World Cup competitions.范克沃登在三届世界杯比赛中摘得了奖牌She medalled in both the heptathlon and the long jump.她在七项全能和跳远两个项目中都获得了奖牌He tested positive for a banned substance and was stripped of his medal.他违禁药物检测呈阳性,于是奖牌被剥夺。He won a medal in the high hurdles.他在高跳栏赛跑中赢得一枚奖牌He was caught cheating during the Olympics and humiliatingly stripped of his title.他被发现在奥运会上作弊,因此被极不光彩地剥夺了奖牌He performed respectably in the Olympics, although he won no medals.在奥运会上他虽然没有获得任何奖牌,但表现相当好。The winners will receive their medals shortly.获胜者将很快得到奖牌She won an Olympic medal in diving.她赢得了奥运会跳水奖牌She is Britain's brightest hope for a medal.她是英国最有可能夺取奖牌的运动员。She medaled in figure skating in the Olympics.她在奥运会上获得了花样滑冰的奖牌Our school won the sports shield last year.我们学校去年赢得了体育比赛盾形奖牌He is in contention for the Olympic medal.他有机会争夺奥运奖牌We will definitely get a medal in the team event.我们在团体项目中肯定会获得奖牌Each member of the winning team received a medal.获胜队的每位队员都得到一枚奖牌He won a medal in cross-country.他在越野滑雪中获得了一枚奖牌African runners swept the medals in the distance events.在中长跑项目比赛中,非洲选手囊括了所有的奖牌She ran well, but failed to collect a medal.她跑得很不错,但没能得到奖牌With the right degree of application and dedication the team should win a medal.只要勤奋努力并且肯于付出,这个队应该会赢得一枚奖牌




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