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词汇 忍受着
例句 For years the workers have had to tolerate low wages and terrible working conditions.多年来工人都只得忍受着工资低、工作条件差的待遇。She endured the monstrous behaviour for years.多年来,她一直忍受着这种暴行。The prisoners endured awful cruelties.囚徒忍受着惨无人道的虐待。Residents have to put up with noxious fumes from the nearby factory.居民们不得不忍受着从附近工厂排出的有毒烟雾。He has borne his illness with great courage.他以极大的勇气忍受着病痛。He endured the agonies of loneliness.忍受着寂寞的折磨。He continues to suffer emotional trauma.他继续忍受着情感的折磨。The family is enduring the disgrace of scandal/suicide.那个家庭正忍受着丑闻/自杀事件带来的耻辱。She endured his criticism with her usual stoicism.她以一贯的隐忍态度忍受着他的批评。The people of that country have endured many years of misrule.那个国家的人民忍受着多年的弊政。He bore their insults patiently.他默默地忍受着他们的侮辱。She bore her illness with rare courage.她以非凡的勇气忍受着病痛。She tolerated the teasing, until the fourth grade.忍受着别人的嘲笑,一直忍到四年级。The patient was experiencing severe, disabling pain.这位病人正忍受着极其严重的、致残的病痛。She put up with the most rough-and-ready living conditions.忍受着最为简陋的生活条件。We endured endless meetings.我们忍受着没完没了的会议。He endured this treatment with stoicism.他以坚毅的态度忍受着这种待遇。She endured her misfortune without complaint.她毫无怨言地忍受着苦难。For years they endured the obloquy that follows scandal.多年来他们忍受着丑闻带来的耻辱。They were lost in the mountains for ten days, enduring hunger, thirst, and intense cold.他们在山中迷路了十天,忍受着饥渴和严寒。He suffered insult and indignity in silence.他默默地忍受着羞辱。He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude.他凭借超乎常人的保持生命尊严的信念和顽强意志力忍受着各种病痛的折磨。He suffered the long illness with tremendous dignity and fortitude.他以超乎常人的保持生命尊严的信念和顽强的意志忍受着长期的病痛。You can only guess at what mental suffering they endure.你只能猜测他们忍受着什么样的精神折磨。She was suffering through fierce pain.忍受着剧痛。Harry has been enduring considerable back pain for a number of years.哈里多年来一直忍受着剧烈的背痛。I was in excruciating pain and one leg wouldn't move.忍受着剧痛,一条腿无法动弹。He was suffering from withdrawal symptoms.他正忍受着种种戒断症状之苦。Through all these tragedies he kept a stiff upper lip.经历了这么多的不幸他仍然咬紧牙关忍受着




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