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例句 The bullet went flying over my head.子弹从我头顶飞过。The goalkeeper had come out of the goal and Webster lobbed the ball over his head into the empty net.守门员离开了球门区,韦伯把球挑过守门员头顶,射入了球门。They fired shells in a high arc over our heads.他们发射的炮弹在我们头顶划出一个超大的弧。He scooped the ball over the defender's head.他把球挑过防守队员的头顶The eraser hit him bang on the top of his head.黑板擦正巧打到他的头顶A man in the gangway suddenly stood up to reach for something in the overhead locker.靠通道坐的一名男子突然起身从头顶行李舱里够什么东西。He kicked a chip shot over the goalie's head.他撮球越过守门员头顶Bullets whizzed overhead.子弹嗖嗖地从头顶飞过。A flock of geese were passing overhead.一群雁从头顶飞过。Unseen birds sang in the trees above us.一些看不见的鸟儿在我们头顶的树上歌唱。Just then there was the swish of wings right above my head.就在那时,一对翅膀刷拉一声掠过我的头顶Then the sun is closest to being straight above us.这时的太阳几乎直射着我们头顶The ball went soaring past my head.那球从我的头顶飞过。Crystal chandeliers glittered brightly above them.他们头顶的水晶吊灯闪闪发亮。The ball looped over the shortstop's head into left field for a single.球呈弧线飞过游击手的头顶到达左外野,形成一垒安打。He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook.他把静脉滴注瓶从头顶的钩子上拿下来。The planes flew overhead with a low drone.飞机发出低沉的轰鸣声掠过头顶The crown of his head is completely bald.他的头顶全秃了。An arrow whizzed past his head.一支箭嗖的一声飞过他的头顶We slept out in the open with nothing above us but the stars.我们睡在旷野,头顶除了星星什么都没有。He kissed the top of her head.他吻了一下她的头顶Ginola chipped a superb shot over the goalkeeper's head.吉诺拉撮起一记漂亮的射门越过守门员的头顶The coronet must be evenly centered, and should have a pinpoint center.头顶的冠必须是居中的,并且有中心点。She looked up as a plane roared overhead.一架飞机轰鸣着掠过她的头顶,她抬头张望。She reached up for the overhead light.她伸手去够头顶的灯。I flushed bright red as a spurt of anger flashed through me.一股怒气直冲头顶,我的脸一下子涨得通红。I patted the top of her head in the condescending way I knew irritated the hell out of her.我故意俯就地拍了拍她的头顶,我知道这会让她非常恼火。There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him.头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。She chipped the soccer ball over the goalie's head.她撮球越过守门员头顶She volleyed the ball just over his head.她擦着他的头顶将球截击回去。She arranged her hair on top of her head.她把头发挽至头顶A flock of wild geese flew overhead.一群野鹅从头顶飞过。The bird has a tuft of feathers on top of its head.这鸟头顶有一簇羽毛。She has a big bump on the crown of her head.头顶磕了个大包。Overhead the sky is a fiery red.头顶的天空一片火红。The overhead cable is a potential death trap for birds.头顶的电缆是鸟类潜在的死亡陷阱。As the helicopter flew overhead, they waved frantically, trying to attract its attention.当直升机从他们头顶飞过时,他们拼命挥手,想要引起它的注意。His hair is a little thin on top. = He's a little thin on top. 头顶的头发有点稀疏。His hair is quite thin on top now.他现在头顶的头发很少了。Government troops fired a few shots over their heads.政府军擦着他们的头顶朝天开了几枪。




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