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词汇 太轻
例句 We tried to listen in on their conversation, but they were talking too quietly.我们试图偷听他们的谈话,但是他们的声音太轻了。I think young criminals are let off far too lightly.我觉得对年轻罪犯的判刑太轻了。If your body weight drops too low, your periods will stop.如果体重变得太轻的话,就会停经。He is too young to know his own mind.他年纪太轻,还拿不定主意。It is his contention that taxes are too low.他的论点是课税太轻The prosecution complained that Gutierrez's sentence was far too lenient.控方抱怨说对古提雷兹的量刑太轻Their weight is small relative to their size.相对于体积来说,它们的重量太轻了。It also moved those who, like me, are too young to have lived through the war.它也打动了那些像我一样年纪太轻而没有经历过战争的人。Critics attacked the youth and inexperience of his staff.批评家们抨击他的员工年纪太轻,缺乏经验。Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars.一些警察指责法官对盗车贼和入室行窃的人量刑太轻




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