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例句 Most new cars now come with a driver's airbag as standard.现在大部分新汽车都配有一个驾驶员气囊作为标准配备。We will be subcontracting most of the electrical work.我们将把大部分电工活转包出去。The state of Nevada is largely desert.内华达州大部分是沙漠。The Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies.奥地利经济比其他大部分工业经济发展得更好。Football occupies most of my leisure time.足球占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。Over the next several months I met most of her family.在后来的几个月里,我见到了她的大部分家人。Most fire investigations are pretty cut and dried, but this one has left more questions than answers.大部分的火灾调查都很简单,但是这一次的却有很多问题还无法回答。Northern Somalia was largely spared from the famine.索马里北部大部分没有受到饥荒的影响。Most people sold to the first comers.大部分人都把东西卖给了先到的人。Most of the money went to pay for food.大部分钱都花在食物上了。He was ahead of me for most of the race, but I caught him up at the end.比赛的大部分时间他都跑在我前面,但在最后时刻我赶上了他。Most countries do not permit unrestricted immigration.大部分国家都不允许不加限制的移民进入。Most children have a disposition towards obedience.大部分儿童都有服从的倾向。Most hotels are fully booked over the holiday weekend.大部分的旅馆在节假日周末都订满了。Most of these arguments are, at bottom, motivated by a fear of change.这些争论的大部分实质上是出于对变革的恐惧。He read most of the speech in an even tone.他以平稳的语气念了大部分台词。The sun had burned off most of the cloud over the city.太阳把城市上空的大部分云彩都烧没了。He just cantered for the majority of the race.那匹马在比赛的大部分时间里只是慢跑。Most football players are male.大部分足球运动员是男的。He left the major part of his £60 million fortune to his close friend and companion, Jerry Edwards.他把六千万英镑的财产大部分留给了他的密友和伙伴杰里·爱德华兹。Most of the new regulations are inapplicable to us.这些新规定大部分对我们都不适用。Any change in interest rates has important implications for most people's financial situation.利率的任何变化都会对大部分人的经济状况带来重大影响。A good deal of my time is taken up with reading critical essays and reviews.我的大部分时间都用在阅读评论文章上了。The majority of amphibians mate in water.大部分两栖动物在水里交配。Most of your answers were bang on.你的大部分答案完全正确。Much of the damage wrought by the disastrous three-day storm was still apparent.历时三天的灾难性暴风雨造成的破坏大部分仍很明显。We did lose some money, but we got most of it back. So all in all things might have been a lot worse.我们的确损失了一些钱,但大部分已经挽回。总之,情况本来有可能要糟糕得多。A few days before, a fire had devastated large parts of Windsor Castle.几天前,温莎城堡的大部分被一场大火烧毁。Most of the kids were weaklings and were frightened of getting in a fight.大部分孩子都很懦弱,害怕与人打架。The severe storm did for most of the farm buildings.猛烈的风暴毁坏了大部分农场建筑。Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races.现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。She spends most of her money on expensive clothes.她的大部分钱都用来买名贵的衣服。Bad weather led to the cancellation of most flights out of Chicago's O'Hare Airport.恶劣的天气致使芝加哥奥黑尔机场大部分航班被取消。I like most vegetables but not cabbage.大部分蔬菜我都喜欢,但卷心菜除外。You might be able to talk your way out of most things but you still have to wash the dishes!也许你靠耍嘴皮子能够推脱大部分的事情,但无论如何还是得洗碗。His jealousy is at the bottom of most of our problems.他的嫉妒是我们大部分问题的真正原因。I spent most of my career working abroad.我职业生涯的大部分时间在国外度过。A considerable/significant portion of the city was flooded.这个城市的大部分地区都被洪水淹没了。Most doctors want their patients to be submissive.大部分医生希望病人能听从医嘱。His latest book reflects the old preoccupations with sex and religion that typify much of his work.他的新书反映了人们历来对于性和宗教的关注,这也是他大部分作品的特点。




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