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词汇 大笑不止
例句 His laugh-a-minute image is just a front to hide his deep unhappiness.大笑不止的样子只不过是为了掩盖内心的痛苦。The reporters were guffawing at all his jokes.记者们对他所说的笑话大笑不止He pissed himself when he heard what had happened.听到发生了什么事之后,他大笑不止They giggled about their teacher's accident.他们因老师的意外大笑不止They clinked glasses, still laughing.他们碰了杯,依旧大笑不止The audience was in stitches now.观众此时大笑不止We couldn't help laughing. = We couldn't help but laugh.我们大笑不止This comedy will have you rolling in the aisles.这出喜剧将使你大笑不止That caused considerable mirth amongst pupils and sports masters alike.那个举动引得学生和体育老师大笑不止She threw back her head and laughed uproariously.她仰起头,大笑不止His jokes simply panic me.他的笑话令我大笑不止There I was lying face down on the pavement and you two were laughing your heads off!我就在那儿脸朝下趴在人行道上,而你们两个却在那儿大笑不止




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