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词汇 大桥
例句 An old tramp was sleeping under Waterloo Bridge, his coat wrapped tight to keep out the cold.一个年老的乞丐睡在滑铁卢大桥下面,他把外衣包得紧紧的,以抵御寒冷。The bridge is not as impressive as some guides would have you believe.这座大桥并不像有些导游说的那么雄伟。Bridge construction has created a bottleneck on the southern part of Main Street.大桥施工使得主街的南段成为交通瓶颈。The explosion damaged the bridge, but the substructure remained intact.爆炸摧毁了大桥,但桥墩仍完好无损。There is a walkway along the bridge for pedestrian/foot traffic. 沿着大桥有一条人行道。I walked across the bridge.我从大桥上走过。The great bridge rainbows the skyline.这座大桥像彩虹般横越长空。This is the most magnificent bridge in existence.这是现有的最雄伟的大桥They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.他们正在拓宽大桥以提高通行能力。The bridge came dangerously close to collapsing. 大桥就快要垮塌了。Crews started work today to reinforce the seriously damaged bridge.全体人员今天开始动工,修复这座严重毁坏的大桥The contract commits the company to finishing the bridge by next fall.合同规定公司须于明年秋季完成大桥建设工作。They are using every legal tool at their disposal to prevent the bridge from being built.他们正在使用所有可用的法律手段来阻止大桥的建设。The bridge suddenly appeared out of the mist and they blinked at the sheer size of it.大桥在雾中突然出现,他们都惊叹其规模之大。The soldiers closed ranks and kept the enemy away from the bridge.士兵们以严整队形防守阵地,不让敌人接近大桥The closure of the bridge has caused lengthy diversions.大桥的关闭使人们要绕很长一段路。Ahead, he saw the side railings of First Bridge over Crooked Brook.他看见了克鲁克德河上第一大桥的桥栏就在前面。They gave a summary of their progress in building the bridge.他们扼要地说明了大桥建设的进展情况。The bridge was rebuilt in two halves.大桥一分为二进行重建。She was waving in the direction of the bridge.她在朝大桥的方向挥动手臂。They jumped off the bridge as a publicity stunt.他们跳下那座大桥来吸引公众的眼球。The car passed the dangerous section of the bridge successfully.汽车顺利地通过了大桥的那段危险部分。They closed the bridge to traffic. 他们关闭了大桥,禁止车辆通行。He sent three scouts ahead to take a look at the bridge.他派出三名侦察兵到前面侦察大桥的情况。I was still some way short of the bridge.我离大桥还有一些路。The trustees are responsible for the upkeep of the bridge.受托人负责大桥的养护。We were moved with admiration at the magnificent bridge.这座雄伟的大桥令我们赞赏不已。The Florida Keys run from the mainland to Key West and are connected by bridges.佛罗里达群岛从大陆一直延伸到基韦斯特岛,中间由数座大桥相连。They swarmed across the bridge.他们一窝蜂般挤过大桥The bridge is a fine piece of engineering.这座大桥是一项杰出的工程。The roads intersect near the bridge.这些道路在大桥附近相交。Below the bridge the river roiled in brown eddies.大桥下翻腾着棕色的漩涡。Engineers have been working throughout the night to make the bridge safe.为了使大桥安全,工程师们干了一个通宵。




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