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词汇 大批
例句 In Berlin, huge crowds turned out.在柏林,大批的人群涌了出来。A lot of the loose money is floating around in Hong Kong looking for a home.大批闲散资金正在香港寻找去处。Mass unemployment may lead to social upheaval.大批失业会导致社会动乱。Such a well-known politician should draw a big audience.这样一位知名政治家应该能吸引大批听众。The waterway is infested with pirates.这条航道有大批海盗出没。A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market.大批新的运营商将获准进入该市场。A surprising number of people were laid off at the factory.大批工人被工厂解雇了。The pollution could decimate the river's thriving population of kingfishers.污染可能会造成河边大量繁殖的翠鸟大批死亡。Muhammad Ali can still pull the crowds.穆罕默德·阿里仍能招徕大批的支持者。All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square.昨天陆续有大批人到来,午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上。The walled city was attacked by barbarian hordes.那座筑有城墙的城市遭到大批野蛮人的进攻。She was surrounded by an army of adoring fans.她被大批狂热的崇拜者包围。When they heard the concert was free, they came in their hordes.当听说音乐会免费的时候,人们大批地涌来。People are dropping like flies with the flu.人们大批地患流感死亡。The bay's lobsters have been decimated by disease.海湾里的龙虾因疾病而大批死亡。Disillusioned teachers were leaving the profession in large numbers.失望的教师在大批离开教育界。The new design was supposed to have consumers beating a path to their door.这款新的设计预计将会吸引大批顾客。Scores of FBI agents fanned out on Monday to interview potential witnesses.星期一,大批联邦探员分头找了有可能目击事故的人问话。We've had an enormous postbag on the recent programme changes.因为最近的节目变更我们收到了大批来信。They were only a drop in the ocean of refugees.他们仅仅是大批难民中的少数。Some people buy large blocks of tickets and then try to sell them at vastly inflated prices.有些人买下大批的门票,然后再设法大幅抬高价钱卖出去。He attracted a large following wherever he played.他无论在何处演出,都有大批的观众。The bandits carried off much plunder.匪徒们运走了大批抢来的财物。It's a newspaper with a large right-wing readership.这份报纸拥有大批右翼读者。Large numbers of soldiers were demobilized.大批士兵复员。When tourists invade, the town is a very different place.大批游客蜂拥而至时,小镇就大不一样了。In the cities vast crowds have been demonstrating for change.在城市里,大批的人群举行示威游行,要求进行变革。Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.在新西兰,澳大利亚橄榄球联盟有大批拥趸。He has sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people.他向这里派了大批军官来骚扰我们的人。At the general election, the faithful defected in droves.在大选时,大批忠实的支持者倒戈。She was lavished with gifts from adoring fans the world over.她收到了世界各地崇拜者寄来的大批礼物。He travels with a huge entourage.他旅行时有大批随行人员陪同。The plane was hailing leaflets on the city.飞机正在向城市撒下大批传单。Vast armies had been unloosed on these countries.大批军队已开到这些国家。Cars drew up to disgorge a wedding party.一辆辆汽车停下放下大批参加婚宴的人。These cases all attracted flocks of famous writers.这些案件都吸引了大批知名作家的关注。He knew that the area's rich plant life had been severely depleted by the huge herds of cows grazing the land.他知道,该地区品种繁多的植物被大批放牧在土地里的牛群吃掉了许多。His populism appeals to a broad range of voters.他的平民论吸引了大批选民。This approach attracts dedicated fans in large numbers.这种方法吸引了大批热情的粉丝。The mud is a feeding ground for large numbers of birds.大批鸟儿来这块泥地觅食。




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