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词汇 catch up
例句 The man strained every nerve to catch up with me.那男人拼命想赶上我。Come over tomorrow and we can catch up.明天过来,我们可以聊聊最近的情况。I have to catch up on my sleep.我必须补上我的睡眠。The deadline's tomorrow. How are we ever going to catch up in time?明天就是最后期限了,我们怎么样才能及时赶出来呢?John ran hard and tried to catch up to his friends.约翰拼命奔跑,试图赶上他的朋友们。 He is dawdling behind, not wanting to catch up.他在后面磨蹭,不想赶上来。I'll have to finish the job, but I can catch up on some sleep tomorrow night.我得把工作干完,不过明天晚上可以补睡一会儿。Why do you try to catch up every remark I make?你为什么要打断我的每句话呢?He'll catch up on lost time by working harder.他将更加努力地工作以弥补失掉的时间。Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read.夏天是把想读却没读的新书恶补一下的最佳时机。She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married.她打算回都柏林,去看望一下结婚后就再没见过面的亲戚。Staff are working overtime to catch up with a backlog of orders.员工在加班加点处理积压的订单。You'll have to catch up on your studies in the holidays.你要在假期里补功课。If you like we can meet later on and catch up.如果你愿意,我们稍后可以聚聚,交流一下近况。They went so fast we couldn't catch up.他们走得太快,我们都赶不上。Slow down so that I can catch up with you.放慢点,好让我能赶上你。I have some work to catch up on.我还有一些工作要赶着做。I've got to catch up on the housework this weekend.这个周末我得赶紧做家务。During the evenings, the school is used by kids who want to catch up on English and mathematics.晚上,学校就是一些赶着补英语和数学的孩子们在用。They started a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up.他们几分钟前已出发,我们必须赶紧追上。In order to catch up with its competitors in the industry, the company will need to start using more advanced technologies.为了赶上行业竞争者,公司需要开始采用更加先进的技术。I want to catch up on all your news.我想知道和你有关的所有最新消息。Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later.继续往前走,我稍后赶上来。We'll never catch up now. We're done for.现在我们是没法赶上了。我们肯定完了。On the last lap of the race, Gemma started to catch up, and it looked as though she could still win.跑最后一圈的时候,杰玛开始追上了,看来她还有可能胜出。I've got to go. I'll catch up with you later.我得走了。我们稍后见。He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up.他跑得太快,我追不上。The police will catch up with you sooner or later.警察迟早会把你捉拿归案的。John began the season better than me but I have fought to catch up.约翰本赛季开始成绩比我好,我在努力追赶他。After he got well Bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates.鲍伯痊愈后拼命用功,以期赶上班里的同学。He is working hard that he can catch up with the class.他努力用功,以便赶上班上同学。No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to catch up on all the bills.无论怎么努力,我好像就是无法付清所有的账单。I was now far behind the others and knew I couldn't catch up.我现在已经落后别人很多,知道自己赶不上了。He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch up.他休学了一段时间,现在发现要跟上很吃力。Our fastest ship can catch up with the chase in two hours.我们最快的舰艇能在两小时内赶上被追逐的船。She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks.她白天忙着处理行政工作。Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball, Nadlovu had beaten him to it.加拉赫还没来得及追上球,纳德洛武就已经抢先一步触到球了。Please write often while you're away, so we can catch up on each other's news.走后请常来信,彼此好通通最近的消息。I can't leave yet. You go on ahead. I'll catch up later.我现在还不能离开。你先去,我随后就到。I stopped and waited for her to catch up.我停下等她赶上来。




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