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词汇 大家都
例句 The market was known as a place where people disposed of stolen property.大家都知道那个市场是个销赃的地方。A sudden shut-in feeling came over her after everybody left.大家都走了之后,一种突生的孤独感向她袭来。Come in, all of you.大家都进来吧。She has a reputation for being a diva.她从来都自以为是,这一点大家都很清楚。The events of the past week have shocked and saddened us all.上个星期的事情让我们大家都很震惊和难过。In those days women were expected to be quiet, passive and self-effacing.那时候大家都认为女人就应该安静、顺从和谦虚。It's so embarrassing when everyone else is being serious and you can't stop laughing.大家都一本正经的,而你却忍不住笑起来,这多令人尴尬呀。He was the best student in his year, and everyone was sure he would go far.他是他那个年级最好的学生,大家都确信他将大有作为。Everybody is here. We're ready to roll.大家都到齐了,我们准备好了。When I first came here everyone gave me a really hard time, because I was the first woman to run a department.我刚来此地时大家都与我为难,因为我是第一个管理一个部门的女性。We work hard all week, so when Friday comes we like to let our hair down a little and have some fun.我们辛苦工作了一周,所以周五时大家都想放松一下,找点乐子。Everyone felt the force of his argument.大家都感受到了他的论证的力量。We all have our hang-ups.我们大家都有自己的烦恼。He claimed his case would be prejudiced if it became known he was refusing to answer questions.他声称如果大家都知道他拒绝回答问题,就会对他的案件抱有成见。Jim told one of his terrible jokes and everyone laughed on cue.吉姆说了一个很蹩脚的笑话,在适当的时候大家都笑了。Everyone was waiting to see if his biographer would dish the dirt.大家都等着看他的传记作者是否会说他的八卦。There were scenes of rejoicing at the news.听到这一消息,大家都很开心。She laughs at herself a lot, which is always endearing.她经常自嘲,大家都很欣赏她这一点。Everyone sympathized with the anti-colonial cause.大家都支持反殖民主义事业。British food is proverbially bad.英国食物不好吃,这是大家都知道的。Everybody beetled off home.大家都匆匆地回家了。Your point really came across at the meeting.你在会议上讲的大家都非常明白了。The argument was upsetting for us all - I don't want to talk about it.那场争论使我们大家都心烦——我不想再谈论了。The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.那辆车已完全报废,但大家都安然脱险。If we all used a little less paper, we'd probably save a forest or two.如果我们大家都少用一点纸,也许可以拯救一两片森林。The final ten minutes of the game kept everyone on the edge of their seats.比赛的最后十分钟,大家都紧张得坐立不安。Researchers wrongly assumed that people were quite clear about the demands of the task.研究人员错误地认为大家都很清楚该项任务的要求。The situation was extremely tense; no one said a word, and the silence was oppressive.局面极其紧张,大家都一言不发,静得让人难以忍受。Everyone's using bold colors to decorate their homes. Plain white walls just don't cut it anymore. 大家都在使用醒目的颜色装饰房间,纯白色的墙已经不再受欢迎。This has been a challenging time for us all.这对我们大家都是一个具有挑战性的时刻。It disheartened all of us that she had been dismissed.她被解雇了,这使我们大家都很沮丧。He's been known to use some colorful language when he starts talking about politics.大家都知道他谈起政治总要讲点粗话。There was a stampede for the exit.大家都争先恐后地朝出口涌去。The news/announcement of our victory was greeted with delight.听到我们胜利的消息/公告,大家都很开心。Don't you realize what a scare you've given us all?.你难道不知道你把我们大家都吓得不轻吗?Her constant chatter annoyed all of us.她不停地唠叨,听得我们大家都烦了。It was thought appropriate to award her the prize.大家都认为应该把奖颁给她。Well, that's torn it. Now everyone knows my little secret.哎呀,这可糟了。现在大家都知道了我的小秘密。Our speaker this evening needs no introduction.我们今晚的讲演者大家都很熟悉,就不用介绍了。The letter was passed from hand to hand until all had read it.那封信几经传阅,大家都读过了。




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