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词汇 cools
例句 Molten volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.火山熔岩冷却后变成固体。The lotion cools and refreshes the skin.这种润肤液凉爽清新,能够焕发肌肤的活力。Dry soil cools rapidly when air temperatures fall.空气温度下降时,干燥的土壤很快冷却。Oatmeal sometimes lumps when it cools.燕麦粥变冷时往往会结块。Melted wax becomes solid when it cools.熔化的蜡在冷却后成为固体。The jelly will stiffen as it cools.果冻冷却后会变稠。Hot paraffin solidifies as it cools.热的石蜡在冷却时变成固体。Hot wax solidifies as it cools.热蜡冷却后就凝固了。As the liquid cools it becomes cloudy and opaque.液体慢慢冷却,变得混浊起来。If our environment cools, then messages from the skin alert the body's thermostat.如果外在环境变冷,体表会将这一信息传递给身体的体温调节中枢。Cover the custard to prevent a skin forming as it cools.盖上蛋奶糕以防其冷却时表面结皮。He cools himself in front of an electric fan.他在电扇前让自己凉快些。The result, as in any relationship, is that love cools and they become more distant.正如其他任何恋情一样,他们的爱最终冷却了下来,两人变得越来越疏远。Leave her alone until she cools down a bit.不要管她,让她冷静下来。The mixture will gel as it cools.这种混合物冷却后会变成胶状。As the liquid cools, it becomes viscous.这液体冷却就变黏稠了。Stir the sauce until it cools, otherwise it will be lumpy.搅拌酱汁一直到它变凉,否则它会结块的。The ground cools off when the sun goes down.太阳下山后地面变凉。The mixture hardens as it cools.混合物冷却时变硬了。The fan cools the engine.风扇使发动机冷却。The other main way the body cools itself down is by panting.喘息是身体自行降温的另一主要途径。The hot metal undergoes contraction as it cools.热金属冷却时会收缩。The steel contracts as it cools.钢冷却时会收缩。Sweat passes through the pores and cools the body down.汗从毛孔中排出以降低体温。The volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.火山熔岩冷却后变成固体。




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