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词汇 scale
例句 The rich are at the top of the social scale.富人位于社会等级的上层。Draw up a scale floor plan on squared paper, marking in the door opening and windows.在方格纸上画出成比例的楼层平面图,标出门和窗的位置。The model of the new city hall is to scale. 新市政厅的模型是按比例做的。In spite of the scale of the famine, the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism.尽管饥荒非常严重,救援工作者们仍发扬大无畏的乐观主义精神,尽职尽责地努力工作。Large-scale growth in this type of farming is limited by the climate and the high cost of labour.这种农业的大规模发展受到气候和劳动力成本高的制约。It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.早该从全球视角考虑这个问题了。The crisis faced over the next few months is of an entirely different scale.接下来几个月内将要面临的危机规模将是无法相比的。He is at the top of the pay scale for his position.在同级别职位中,他的工资级别最高。The final building is realized on a human scale.最终建成的大楼实现了建筑设计的人性化。Mass production creates economies of scale. 批量生产形成了规模经济。The new breed possesses lots of scale.新畜种分量很重。Communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution.俄国革命之后,共产党在世界范围内成立起来。Pollution could cause changes to weather patterns on a global scale.污染会引起全球性气候模式的改变。The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue, utterly out of scale with the building.那座塔的顶部矗立着一尊巨型雕像,与整个建筑完全不成比例。The threat of full-scale war has not been averted.还不能排除爆发全面战争的可能性。Compared to how long it took for the Universe to evolve, our human time scale is tiny.与宇宙演化所需的时间相比较,我们人类的年代太微不足道了。Are teachers high on the social scale?教师的社会阶级高吗? The result was human suffering on a huge scale.结果是人类遭遇深重的灾难。The closure of the mine led to large-scale redundancies.矿山的关闭造成大批工人失业。It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.我们害怕现在国内出现的骚乱会升级为全面内战。Chinese music uses a scale that is unfamiliar to Western ears.中国音乐使用的音阶,西方人听起来有点儿陌生。Given the scale of the changes, it is essential that all managers familiarize themselves with the details.考虑到变动幅度之大,每一位主管都有必要熟悉这些细节。Benefits are paid on a sliding scale according to family income.补助金的发放根据家庭收入而定,数额不等。The scale of your map is one inch to the mile.你这张地图的比例尺为一英寸比一英里。The scale of the problem is massive.这个问题涉及面广泛。The child played with a scale model of a Trident submarine.孩子玩着一只三叉戟潜艇的比例模型。Is the drawing of the bridge to scale?这桥的图样是按比例画的吗?We could not exclude the possibility of a full-scale nuclear war.我们不能排除出现全面核战争的可能性。The scale of the problem is horrifying.问题之严重令人震惊。The organization of a large-scale garden party takes time and thought.组织一次大规模的花园招待会既花时间又要费心劳神。When he speaks he rushes up and down the scale.他说话时音调忽高忽低。In order to finance expansion on this scale, the government has relied heavily on borrowing.为了在财政上支持如此规模的发展,政府严重依赖于借贷。The large-scale demonstrations mounted by the students caused a disruption in the city's traffic.由学生举行的大型示威造成城市交通的中断。In December they launched a full-scale onslaught on the capital.十二月份他们对首都发起了全面攻击。What we are witnessing here is human misery on a vast scale.我们在这里所目睹的是人类大规模的灾难。Can you give me any sort of time scale for the completion of the building work?你能不能告诉我这个建筑工程的完工进度?It's that crash-and-burn moment of stepping on the scale and realizing you have put on weight rather than lost it.当你站到称上发现自己非但没有减肥反而增重了,会感到很挫败。Where do birds come on the evolutionary scale?在演化等级中,鸟类处于什么位置?We want to promote literacy on a mass scale.我们要大规模地提高文化水平。They were the first expedition to scale the heights of Everest.他们是第一支攀登珠穆朗玛峰的探险队。




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