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词汇 大吵
例句 Daddy and Mummy fought a war to the teeth.爸爸与妈妈大吵了一场。My sister and I had a terrible argument last night.昨晚我和姐姐大吵了一场。He would come home drunk, get into a fight with Mom, and beat her up.他总是醉醺醺地回到家里,和妈妈大吵一场,然后把她痛打一顿。We had a blazing row over who should do the cooking.我们为该谁做饭的事大吵了一架。My two daughters had a ding-dong.我的两个女儿大吵了一场。She and her boyfriend had a big bust-up over who was supposed to look after the kids.她和她男朋友因为该由谁来照顾孩子们而大吵了一架。We had a stinker of a row.我们大吵了一架。I had the most almighty row with the waitress.我和女招待大吵了一架。He had a falling-out with his parents over money.他为钱的事跟他的父母大吵了一架。We had a humongous row just because she left.正是因为她的离去,我们大吵了一架。Do you want to make something out of it?你想为这事大吵一场吗?He became involved in an ugly exchange with Simon.他与西蒙大吵了一场。We had a violent disagreement last time we met.上回我们见面时曾大吵一场。Cathy and I had a real bust-up yesterday.昨天我和凯茜大吵了一场。She had a big bust-up with her boss over pay.她就工资问题与老板大吵了一番。She had had this bust-up with her family.她跟家人大吵过一场。I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers.我跟其他几个兄弟大吵了一架。They had a bust-up over money.他们为钱大吵了一架。Mary kicked up such a fuss when her husband returned home late.玛丽的丈夫回家晚了,她便大吵一场。We had a flaming row over it last night.昨晚我们为了这事大吵了一架。I had a monumental run-in with him a couple of years ago.几年前,我和他大吵了一架。They were having another ding-dong about money.他们为钱又大吵了一架。They were flinging abuse at each other. 他们相互大吵大骂。The two of them had a big blowup about something trivial.他俩为一点小事大吵了一架。She got insanely jealous and there was a terrible fight.她妒忌得发疯,然后大吵了一架。They had a huge row, and she sent him packing.他们大吵了一架,然后她就让他走人了。I had a big argument with my mother this morning.今天早上我和妈妈大吵了一架。There was a scene, and he called her a lot of rude names.他们大吵一场,他污言秽语地骂了她。They raised hell with neighbourhood children.他们跟邻居的孩子们大吵起来。I said no and we got into a big argument.我说不行,随后我们大吵了一架。We had a real shouting match with each other.我们俩大吵了一通。They'd had a big argument yesterday, but by this morning it was all sweetness and light again.他们昨天大吵了一架,但到了今天早上又和好如初了。April had a fight with her boyfriend and doesn't want to come out of her room.阿普丽尔和男朋友大吵了一架,躲在房间里不想出来。We had a humongous row just before she left.就在她离开之前,我们大吵了一架。We had a knock-down-drag-out argument.我们大吵了一架。The two drivers began yelling and shaking their fists at each other.两位司机开始挥舞着拳头大吵起来。We had a huge row, which marked the end of our friendship.我们大吵了一场,结束了我们之间的友谊。I had a massive argument with Sue, but at least it has cleared the air.我和苏大吵了一通,不过这至少消除了误解。He walked out of the band after a bust-up with his brother.他和他弟弟大吵一场以后离开了乐队。They seem to have a flaming row at least once a week.他们好像至少每周都要大吵一次。




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