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They seemed stunned at his outburst.他们对他的突然爆发显得大为吃惊。I was completely taken aback by his aggressive and unreasonable attitude.他那挑衅、不讲理的态度让我大为吃惊。He was visibly shaken by what had happened.他显然对发生的事大为吃惊。Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.戴夫辞掉一份高薪的工作去周游世界,这令他的朋友大为吃惊。Her election to the board of directors caused great surprise.她被选进董事会,令人大为吃惊。It flabbergasts me to see how many people still support them.看到还有那么多人支持他们,我大为吃惊。I am frankly appalled at his attitude.他的态度真使我大为吃惊。I was surprised to hear that she was married.听说她结婚了,我大为吃惊。When she realized she had mistaken him for his brother, she was horrified at her gaffe.她意识到错把他当成他弟弟时,对自己的失礼大为吃惊。He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.他惊人的耐力过去常常让朋友们大为吃惊。She was amazed that people could be so indifferent about the trial. 人们对这场审讯如此无动于衷,这令她大为吃惊。Then, to my great astonishment, he started to cry.然后,令我大为吃惊的是,他哭了起来。She was amazed that some people could watch the trial with indifference.她对有些人能无动于衷地观看这场审讯感到大为吃惊。To the surprise and chagrin of the employer, the workers engaged in trolling with much gaiety.让雇主大为吃惊懊恼的是,工人们居然很快乐地轮唱起来。 |