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词汇 多数人
例句 The needs of the many have been ignored – instead, the priority has been to bring benefits only to the few.多数人的需要被忽视了 — 相反,只优先惠及了少数一部分人。Most people's ideas of the disease do not have much to do with the reality.多数人对该病的看法没什么现实依据。Most people here take a siesta after lunch.这里的多数人在午饭后会睡个午觉。The change in policy had little effect on most people.政策的改变对多数人几乎没有影响。I don't think many people would argue with that.我认为多数人不会对此有异议。The balance of opinion is on our side.多数人的意见支持我们。The book had a lack of immediacy for most people.多数人而言,该书缺乏时效性。Most people are right-handed.多数人做事用右手。The book should prove helpful to many people.这本书理应被证明对多数人是有用的。The slight change in the taste was imperceptible to most people.这种味道的细微改变是多数人难以察觉的。For most people a heart attack is a forceful reminder that they are mortal.多数人来说,心脏病发作会强烈地提醒他们终有一天自己会死去。Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many.我们做任何事情都应该为了多数人的需要。Their work is hard and unglamorous, and most people would find it boring.他们的工作又累又平淡,多数人会认为很乏味。Most of the people live very well, with nice houses and plenty to eat.多数人都过得很好,住得好,吃得饱。Most people remember their first kiss with fondness.多数人想起自己的初吻时心里都甜滋滋的。This war is another example of the few sacrificing their lives for the many.这场战争又是一个少数人为多数人牺牲的例子。There's no getting around the fact that most people prefer to travel to work in their own cars, rather than by bus or train.不可否认的是,多数人都喜欢自己开车上班,而不喜欢乘公共汽车或火车。Smoking is a habit that dies hard for most people.多数人来说,吸烟是个难改的习惯。The majority view seems to be that we need more police officers on local streets.多数人的意见似乎是需要在本地的街道上增加警力。Most people have had a good laugh about it.多数人都觉得这事非常有趣。Speeding is considered by most people to be a minor indiscretion.多数人看来,超速行驶是一个小过失。Most of them have young children below school age.他们中多数人都有岁数不到学龄期的孩子。Most people were forced to work longer hours each week, and to add insult to injury, the company decided not to give pay raises.多数人被迫每周延长工时,更糟糕的是,公司还决定不给加薪。I don't see why the many should suffer because of the few idiots who cause trouble.我不明白为什么多数人要因为几个惹是生非的白痴而受苦。This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.由于多数人对这种病具有天然免疫力,所以发病率低得出奇。Most people have very little difficulty in seeing why a Van Gogh is a work of genius.多数人不难理解为什么凡·高的作品是天才之作。The majority are doing their best.多数人都在尽力干。Most people now use ballpoints rather than ink.现在多数人舍弃钢笔而使用圆珠笔了。If the proposed piece of legislation fails to get the requisite two-thirds majority in Parliament, it cannot become law.如果所提议的法规在议会中没有得到规定的三分之二多数人的同意,就不能成为法律。Most people joined the game, but a few chose not to participate.多数人都加入了游戏,但有些人选择不参加。Most of these children come from broken families.这些孩子中的多数人来自婚姻破裂的家庭。A government should serve the many, not the few.政府应该为多数人,而不是少数人服务。Most people thought of her husband as a bit of a chancer and did not trust him.多数人认为她的丈夫有点投机取巧,都不信任他。Most people start to lose their memory as they get older.多数人随着年龄的增长记忆力开始衰退。Most of us actually do come in to work at weekends, like it or not.我们中间的多数人,不管愿意不愿意在周末总是来上班工作。I didn't like the idea, but I was outvoted by the rest of the group.我不赞成这个意见,但我遭到组内多数人投票否决。Most people like to feel needed.多数人希望感觉到有人需要他们。The movie has been praised by most people, aside from a few critics who have called its happy ending trite and predictable.那部电影获得了多数人的赞誉,只有几个评论家认为该片的圆满结局有些落入俗套。Most people found the drink's taste to be highly acceptable.多数人认为这种饮料的口感很好。Most of us are in a muddle about what and how to eat.我们多数人搞不清该吃什么、怎么吃。




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