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The new program is designed to tempt young people into studying engineering.这项新计划的目的是为了吸引年轻人学习工程学。She was terrified of flying. The relative advantages of air travel didn't tempt her at all.她害怕飞行,坐飞机旅行的相对优点根本就吸引不了她。The company managed to fight off a takeover at-tempt.该公司设法阻止了一次收购企图。Reducing the income will further impoverish these families and could tempt an offender into further crime.降低收入只会使这些家庭更加贫穷,而且可能诱使不法分子进一步犯罪。Race car drivers tempt fate every time they race.赛车手每次比赛都是玩命。Barnyards shaded by trees are most likely to tempt fowl out.树木成荫的谷仓场院最有可能把家禽引出来。The saleswoman tried to tempt us into buying a more expensive model.女售货员使劲怂恿我们买更贵的一款。If you leave valuables in your car it will tempt thieves.如果你把贵重物品放在车上,会招来小偷的。It would take a lot of money to tempt me to quit this job.得要很多钱才会让我动心放弃这份工作。Can't I tempt you to have another helping?请再吃一点,好不好? Travel companies tempt people with special offers.旅游公司以特价招揽顾客。Nothing could tempt me to take such a step.什么也不能诱使我采取这样一个步骤。Don't let credit tempt you to buy something you can't afford.不要因为可以赊购,就买超过自己支付能力的东西。The programmes are designed to tempt young people into engineering.这些课程旨在吸引年轻人学习工程学。Don't tempt fate by saying we can win.别冒冒失失说我们能赢。Can I tempt you with a little puff pastry?.我能给你尝点泡芙点心吗?The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.她有钱了,可这丝毫没能让她改变节俭的生活习惯。The Parisian shops have things to tempt even the strongest of wills.巴黎的商店里所销售的东西,即使是意志最坚强的人也难抵诱惑。The saleswoman tried to tempt us to buy a more expensive model.女售货员使劲怂恿我们买更贵的一款。Having spent so long at a great club like Rangers, no other Scottish team could tempt him away.在流浪者队这样优秀的俱乐部呆了这么久之后,其他苏格兰球队都吸引不了他了。Most infomercials try to tempt television viewers into buying beauty aids, kitchen gadgets and other products.大多数专题广告片都是想吸引电视观众购买美容产品、厨房用具等商品。 |