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例句 In his writings there is more chaff than wheat.他的著作中糟粕多于精华。He has many more strengths than shortcomings.他的优点远多于缺点。The company has had more downs than ups this year.公司今年失败多于成功。Huge majorities apparently prefer reducing unemployment to fighting inflation.绝大多数人似乎希望降低失业率多于抑制通货膨胀。More people are now employed in service industries than in manufacturing.现在服务业的就业人数要多于制造业。In this department of English girls outnumber boys in a ridiculous ratio.该英语系女生大大多于男生,比例极不合理。Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise than terror.休尖叫起来,声音不大,吃惊多于恐惧。There's more good than bad in him.在他身上,善多于More people were trampled to death than were actually killed by the fire.被踩死的人多于实际被火烧死的人。More women than men go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less?.看医生的女性多于男性。也许男性更强壮或者顾虑要少一些?They look on it as more of a duty than a pleasure.他们认为此事责任多于乐趣。I don't think it's love so much as lust.我认为这其中性多于爱。The company has had more ups than downs this year.公司今年的成就多于失误。There's more goodness than badness in him.在他身上,善多于恶。Vancouver is a city more in tune with outdoor recreation than cultural institutions.温哥华这个城市适合户外康乐活动多于适合文化活动。There are a far greater number of women working in television than twenty years ago.从事电视工作的女性远远多于二十年前。Some poor suckers had paid more than three times what they should have for the tickets.一些可怜的受骗者以多于三倍的价钱买了票。The team has more right-handers than left-handers.这个球队中的右手投球手多于左手投球手。The office has a high ratio of males to females. 这个办公室里的男性工作人员要远多于女性。In nursing, women still outnumber men by four to one.在护理行业,女性依然多于男性,人数比例为四比一。Measures sold in Scotland have been traditionally larger.传统上,苏格兰出售的标准量的酒要多于别处。Schubert began more symphonies than he finished.舒伯特开始创作的交响乐多于他所完成的。There are still more people employed in textiles than in computers.纺织业的雇员现仍多于计算机业的雇员。There were more advancers than decliners in the stock market yesterday.昨天股票市场上涨股多于下跌股。He got what he deserved and then some. 他所获得的多于他所应得的。It is an illness that afflicts women more than men.患这种疾病的女性多于男性。The survey revealed that, for the first time, there are more women in the workplace than men.这次调查揭示,职场里女性首次多于男性。Men still occupy more positions of power than women.担任要职的男性仍然多于女性。He turned quickly away, more in sorrow than in anger.他迅速转过身去,伤心多于愤怒。Our shared views outweigh our differences.我们共同的看法多于我们的分歧。The average household spends more on housing than on food.一般家庭在住房上的花销多于食物。His diary was much more cry than wool.他的日记里空话远远多于实事。Children challenge their parents' authority far more nowadays than they did in the past.如今子女对父母权威的质疑远远多于过去。There were more noes than yeses to the proposal.该提案的反对票多于赞成票。There were more male than female students.男生多于女生。There has been a net transfer of lower-paid people away from the inner cities.低收入者移出内城区的人数已多于移入者。




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