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词汇 lost
例句 When she lost her job, she at first relished her new-found freedom.失业后,一开始她还很享受新获得的自由。We lost two or three early games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.在世界杯比赛开始时我们有两三场比赛失利,但后来我们又恢复了状态。Those runners used their wits and strength to claw back the points being lost in the field.那些跑垒员用他们的智慧和体力补回了场上丢失的分数。No matter how well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost.不管你对巴黎多么熟悉,也很容易迷路。Opinion polls show that the voters have lost confidence in the administration.民意调查显示选民对政府已失去信任。My father lost his job and we had to go on relief.我父亲失业了,我们只能靠救济金生活。Her writing seems to have lost its edge.她的作品好像已经失去了影响力。I felt like a complete nobody when I lost my job.我失业的时候觉得自己什么都不是。Though they lost, they gave last year's champions a run for their money.尽管他们输了,但他们并未让去年的冠军轻松赢得比赛。When night came we lost all sense of direction and were soon completely lost.入夜后我们完全失去了方向感,很快就彻底迷了路。Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost.一些分析家推测工作职位将会减少。Supporters continue to visit the site where Colosio lost his life to an assassin's bullet.仍有支持者前往克洛西奥在刺客枪口下丧生的地点凭吊。She lost despite a game effort.尽管奋力拼搏,她还是输了。The team lost because of a combination of injuries and sickness.由于球员们伤病缠身,该队输了。In this great melting pot cultures are merged and traditions lost.在这个种族大熔炉中,各种文化融为一体,原来的传统则失落了。She nearly lost a shoe pulling her foot out of the hole.她把脚从洞中拔出来的时候差点掉了一只鞋。But for your help, we would have lost the game.要不是你们的帮助,我们会输掉这场比赛的。The simple truth is he's lost his job.事实很简单,他丢了工作。As she worked, she became so engrossed that she lost all sense of time.她工作时就变得非常专注,完全忘了时间。I believe she actually pined away, lost her will to live.我想她实际上已经变得非常憔悴,不想再活下去了。Mark looked a little lost amongst all those trendy designers.马克在那些时髦的服装设计师中间显得有点拘谨。My watch has got lost.我的手表找不见了。Tanya had lost her usual poise.坦尼娅失掉了她那泰然自若的神态。The post office tried to trace the lost letter.邮局设法查出那封丢失的信。It's important to replace fluids and salts that are lost during exercise.补充运动期间损失的液体和盐分很重要。He lost an arm, and the right arm at that.他失去了一只手臂,而且又是一只右臂。He repossessed his lost briefcase.他重新获得失去的公事包。Don't go too far afield or you'll get lost.别走太远,不然你会迷路的。They lost the nearness of the first months of their marriage.他们失去了他们结婚头几个月的那种亲热。We lost the game, but that's the way it/life goes. 我们输了,不过生活就是如此,不如意事时有发生。They were having to face up to the fact that they had lost everything.他们必须正视他们已经一无所有这个事实。Brian drove faster than he normally did, trying to make up for lost time.布赖恩比平时开得更快,尽力把时间赶上来。A few stragglers got lost in the fog.几个掉队的人在大雾里迷失了方向。You lost your job? That sucks.你的工作丢了?真糟糕!We've lost a valuable employee in Mike.我们失去了一位像迈克这样难得的员工I've no idea where I lost the keys. I couldn't even make a guess.我不知道我把钥匙丢在哪里了,猜也猜不到。The origins of Chinese horoscopes have been lost in the mists of time.中国占星术的起源已湮没在时间的迷雾之中。They have lost two finals on the spin.他们接连输掉了两场决赛。Bader lost both his legs in a flying accident.巴德在一次飞行事故中失去了双腿。The team lost yardage on that play.这支队在那场比赛中的推进码数不及对手。




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