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词汇 casts
例句 The rising sun casts a golden glow over the fields.冉冉升起的太阳在田野上洒下一片金黄。The fire casts a warm glow.炉火发出热烘烘的红光。The recent downturn in sales casts doubt on the company's future.近来销售量的下降令人对公司的未来产生疑虑。Important films with ideal casts have fallen apart on the issue of billing.有坚强演员阵容的巨片因演员表排列问题有纷争而未能拍成。Her record of dismissals casts doubt on her ability to hold down a job.她多次被解雇的记录令人怀疑她是否有能力保住一份工作。Tonight, Tim Goodman casts a cynical eye on TV ads.今天晚上蒂姆·古德曼将以怀疑的眼光来审视电视广告。Knowledge casts out fear.知识消除恐惧。In the story, the witch casts a spell on/over the children.在故事里,巫婆用咒语对孩子们施了魔法。The trial casts a harsh light on the banking industry.审讯揭露出银行业的丑事。The incident casts doubt on her honesty.这件事使人们怀疑她是否诚实。The museum's study hall has casts of many Greek statues.博物馆的展厅里有许多希腊塑像的模型。Your silly letter casts a reflection on your common sense.你那封愚蠢的信,使人认为你缺乏常识。The world premiere of Harold Pinter's new play casts Ian Holm in the lead role.哈罗德·品特新剧的世界首演由伊恩·霍尔姆担纲主演。Worm casts look unsightly and provide a seed bed for weeds.蚯蚓粪不雅观,但为杂草提供生长的苗床。Fresh evidence has emerged that casts doubts on the men's conviction.出现了新的证据,对这些人的定罪出现了疑点。Her documentary casts serious doubt on Gilligan's conviction.她的纪实节目使人对吉利根的判决产生了深深的怀疑。This reality casts in strong relief the racist character of the aggression.这一事实使侵略的种族主义本质暴露无遗。A witch casts a spell on the children, who fall asleep.一个女巫对这些孩子施了魔咒,孩子们就睡着了。




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