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例句 The car had a flash appearance.那辆汽车外表很华丽。Where Clinton was rugged and earthy, Gore is clean-cut and preppy.克林顿外表粗犷、衣着朴素,戈尔则是整洁而又讲究。You need to look the part when you go to a job interview.参加工作面试时你的外表要得体。In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.外表看似镇定,实则吓得不轻。He's quite a sweet man beneath the gruff exterior.外表冷漠内心善良。If we go on expecting our daughters to be decorative and pliable and empty-headed, they'll be inadequately prepared for the future.如果我们继续期望自己的女儿只重外表、毫无主见、头脑空空的话,她们就会对未来准备不足。This old indestructible conceals an element of iron beneath his flexible charm.这百折不挠的老人在他柔顺迷人外表内隐藏着一股钢铁般的韧劲儿。I was shocked at the change in his appearance.我很惊异于他外表的变化。Behind the facade they are just like the rest of us.在那副外表背后,他们和我们大家是完全一样的。Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look.对异性吸引力的大小更大程度上取决于我们对内在的信心,而不是外表He's very proud of his physical appearance. 他为他的外表感到非常自豪。You can't tell anybody by what they seem.你不能凭外表判断人。This mushroom looks harmless enough, but appearances can be deceptive and it is in fact very poisonous.这种蘑菇看上去无害,但是外表不一定可信,其实它毒性很大。The building has a rather plain exterior.这座建筑外表很普通。The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.从他的外表来看可以明显看出修道院生活的清贫。They may feel tired and though outwardly calm, can be irritable.他们或许会感到疲惫,虽然外表看似没事,但可能很容易发火。The fancy offices are just tinsel — the firm is small and almost bankrupt.华美的营业所只是虚饰的外表,实际上这只是家小商号而且差不多要破产了。He sat at his desk, not a hair out of place, and turning a pencil over in his hand.他坐在书桌旁,外表十分整洁,手里转弄着一支铅笔。Young people are very sensitive about their appearance.年轻人对外表很在意。He has the look of a man of letters.外表像个文人。Georgina's preoccupation with her appearance takes up most of her time.乔治娜对外表过分讲究,这占了她大部分的时间。She had a decidedly down-at-heel appearance.外表看起来实在很寒酸。He's very good-looking but not very bright.外表很英俊,但并不是特别聪明。The college's bland appearance made it seem a little unfriendly.这所大学平淡无奇的外表使它显得有点不友好。He is not that bothered about his appearance.他并不那么在意自己的外表He was nasty about my appearance. If I dressed up he'd say I looked like a tart.他对我的外表要求很苛刻,我要是打扮打扮,他就会说我像荡妇。Don't be fooled by his appearance.别被他的外表欺骗了。He was vain about his looks, spending hours in the gym.他对自己的外表很自负,在健身房里一呆就是好几个小时。She's very insecure about her appearance.她对自己的外表很不自信。She has red hair and a rather flamboyant appearance.她一头红发,外表相当艳丽。Her calm exterior gave no clue to what was going through her mind.从她平静的外表看不出她内心在想什么。Once Dr Hope had agreed to talk, her icy exterior melted a little.霍普医生一同意谈话,她冰冷的外表就变得温和了一些。There was nothing unusual about/in her physical appearance.她的外表并没有什么特别之处。She noticed the alteration in his looks and manner.她注意到他的外表和举止和以前不同了。The room has a neat/fresh/clean appearance. 房间的外表整齐/清新/干净。He is unconcerned with appearance and fashion.他对外表和时尚毫无兴趣。Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.她极其强硬、世故的外表下隐藏着一颗非常温柔、敏感的心。She takes great care over her appearance.她很注重自己的外表Appearances can be deceptive, sometimes dangerously deceptive.外表有时具有误导性,有时甚至会带来危险。His gentle, kindly appearance did not deceive me.我没有被他文雅和善的外表所蒙蔽。




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