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词汇 复苏
例句 The economy is recovering, stimulated in part by government spending.经济正在复苏,部分原因是受政府支出的拉动。From then on, the stock market and the economy recovered in tandem.从那时起,股票市场和经济同时复苏了。They had not foreseen the higher inflation in France when most of Western Europe was crawling out of recession.当西欧的大多数国家正从经济衰退中缓慢复苏时,他们并没有预见到法国的通货膨胀率会升高。The economy needs vigorous resuscitation.经济需要大力复苏The recovery from recession is still spotty and uneven.经济衰退后的复苏仍有参差不均衡的情况。The casualty was placed on his side in the recovery position and an ambulance was called.受伤者被放在侧躺复苏体位上,同时已经呼叫了救护车。Even if the recovery is under way, it may be some time before the official number crunchers confirm it.即便经济已经开始复苏,仍要过一段时间官方统计数字才能确认这一点。Continue resuscitation until the person starts breathing and then place them in the recovery position.持续复苏术直到病人开始呼吸,然后使其保持复原姿势。All this signs rejuvenation of agriculture.所有这些都预示著农业将复苏The Chancellor of the Exchequer says that economic recovery is just around the corner.财政大臣说经济即将复苏In many sectors of the economy the recovery has started.许多经济领域已经开始复苏Economic indicators suggest that a recovery is on the way.各项经济指标表明复苏为期不远了。There are some fairly hopeful signs of recovery in the US market.美国市场已经出现了鼓舞人心的复苏迹象。Tourism holds the key to the region's recovery.旅游业能使这一地区的经济得以复苏She knows karate/CPR.她会空手道/心肺复苏术。Retail sales fell, disappointing hopes of a rapid recovery.零售额下跌,使迅速复苏的希望破灭了。The perennial crises could snuff out a business recovery.旷日持久的迭次危机会扼杀商业的复苏The economy is balanced on a knife edge between recovery and recession.经济在复苏和衰退的临界状态中保持着平衡。The housing market is poised for recovery.房地产市场万事俱备,只待复苏The economy is showing the first signs of recovery.经济正呈现出最初的复苏迹象。This rejuvenated economy will turn its face to the people.复苏的经济将对人民产生影响。I think the economy will recover in any event.我认为经济无论如何都会复苏的。Raising taxes could choke off the recovery.提高税额会抑制复苏They are guardedly optimistic that the market is on the road to recovery.他们对市场正在复苏的说法保持谨慎的乐观态度。The hurricane has delivered a blow to the area's hopes of revival.飓风沉重打击了这个地区复苏的希望。These figures kill off any lingering hopes of an early economic recovery.这些数字彻底扼杀了人们对经济早日复苏所抱的一线希望。Although the recovery is patchy, passenger numbers are growing.虽然经济尚未完全复苏,但是乘客数量正在增长。Trends in spending and investment suggest a gradual economic recovery.消费和投资趋势显示了经济在逐渐复苏The industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery.该产业将是首先受益于这次复苏的行业之一。They practiced CPR on a dummy.他们在一个人体模型上练习心肺复苏We're advising all our investors to sit tight till the market improves.我们奉劝我们所有的投资者不要动摇,等待市场复苏Signs of resilience in the economy abound.经济充满着应变复苏的迹象。The economy shows every sign of making a strong recovery.有充分的迹象表明经济在强势复苏Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery.利率下调并没有带来经济的复苏The pervading feeling is that economic recovery is near.人们普遍感到经济快要复苏了。A recovery will come only when deflation is conquered.只有通货紧缩得到控制以后,复苏期才会到来。Forecasts support the government's claim that the economy is picking up.有预测支持政府有关经济正在复苏的说法。They pulled her out of the swimming pool and began CPR.他们把她拉出游泳池,然后开始实施心肺复苏术。After years of decline, agriculture is showing signs of rejuvenation.农业经数年衰退之后正在显示出复苏的征兆。The stock market has made a sound recovery.股市已经全面复苏




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