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The rooms are crammed with humming Xerox machines.那些房间里摆满了嗡嗡作响的复印机。You'll hear a bleep when the photocopier's finished printing.复印机印好了之后会发出嘟嘟声。The copier is out of toner.复印机的墨盒用完了。The photocopier will collate the pages of the report.复印机将自动排列这份报告的页码。He was duplicating articles on the photocopier.他正在复印机上复印文章。What about my copier? Can you get it going again?.我的复印机怎么样了?你能把它修好吗?The copier had been set for multiple copies.复印机已设置为多份复印。It's one thing after another with that stupid photocopier! What's wrong with it now?那台该死的复印机接二连三地出错!现在是什么毛病了?He made contact with someone with an idea for reconditioning laser copiers.他联系了一个会修理激光复印机的人。Computers and photocopiers all generate heat of their own.计算机和复印机自身都能产生热量。Crooks are using the latest laser photocopiers to produce millions of fake banknotes.犯罪分子正利用最新式的激光复印机制造数以百万计的假钞。The front roller has jammed on the photocopier.复印机的前滚筒卡住了。The photocopier's buggered again.复印机又坏了。I had a few problems getting the copier to work.我遇到了一些问题,无法让复印机工作。The new photocopier is much simpler to use than the one we had before.新的复印机比我们以前那台使用起来简单许多。Could you show me how to work the photocopier?你教我怎么使用这台复印机好吗?The new copiers only copy onto one side of the paper.新复印机只能单面复印。All the photocopiers are in use. Could you come back later?所有复印机都在使用中,你过会儿再来好吗?The copier is currently out of service. 这台复印机眼下不能用。Sorry to bother you, but could you help me one more time with the copier?很抱歉打扰你,你再帮我一下忙,教我怎么使用那复印机好吗?The copier needs toner.复印机该加墨粉了。The photocopier will collate the documents for you.复印机会为你整理文件顺序。The copier is ready when the green indicator light is on.当绿色指示灯亮时,复印机就准备就绪。There was something wrong with the photocopier, so we called in the service company.复印机坏了,我们就请来了维修公司。The paper has got jammed in the printer again.复印机里纸又卡住了。The copy machine is out again.复印机又出故障了。I'm afraid the photocopier is out of action.恐怕复印机坏了。Don't use that paper with the copier; you'll gum it up.别在复印机上用那种纸,机器会出问题的。We're going to have to buy a new photocopier – this one's done for.我们得买台新复印机,这一台已经坏了。These photocopiers require a little extra care to keep them running right.这些复印机再稍微保养一下就可以正常使用。A piece of paper jammed the copy machine.有张纸卡住了复印机。A piece of paper got/was jammed in the copy machine.有张纸把复印机卡住了。A crumpled sheet had jammed up the whole photocopier.一张皱巴巴的纸把整台复印机给卡住了。Don't forget to order some more paper for the copy machine - there's barely any left.别忘了多订购一些复印机用的纸—差不多没有了。This photocopier's a bit temperamental.这台复印机性能有点不稳定。They were partners in a business which hired out photocopiers.他们是一家复印机租赁公司的合作伙伴。 |