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词汇 壁画
例句 He has painted murals in his children's nursery.他在他孩子的房里画上了壁画A local artist pencilled a mural on the wall in a school auditorium.一位本地画家在一所学校大礼堂的墙上用铅笔画了一幅壁画The discovery of ancient paintings on the walls of the church put the little village on the map.在教堂的墙上发现了古代的壁画,使那个村庄出了名。The pupils created the wall painting with the aid of a local artist.学生们在当地艺术家的帮助下创作了这幅壁画The paintings on the right wall deal with the Nativity and the Crucifixion.右墙上的壁画描述的是耶稣诞生与受难的故事。The Dunhuang Caves are open to the public so that the frescoes can be studied on site.敦煌石窟对外开放,这样对那些壁画就可以作现场研究了。The frescoes have survived remarkably well.壁画保存得相当完好。Elaborate murals had been painted on three of the four walls.四面墙上有三面绘有精巧的壁画The lower series of frescoes describe the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.下面的一系列壁画描述了圣方济各会会员的生平。Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that it is easy to take them for granted.壁画在意大利教堂里是司空见惯的,以至于人们往往会视而不见。Who did the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?西斯廷教堂的天花板上的壁画是谁画的?The exercise rooms are decorated with murals of tropical jungles in the style of Haitian primitives.健身房里装饰着几幅海地原始派画家的热带丛林壁画There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes.也有几处保存完好的拜占庭时期的壁画The mural was a composite effort of all the children in the class.壁画是全班孩子们共同努力的成果。The frescoes portrayed scenes of ancient human life.这些壁画表现了古人类的生活场面。This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner.这幅壁画典型地体现了那位画家早期的风格。




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