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词汇 墙壁
例句 These apartments have paper walls.这些公寓房间的墙壁单薄。The walls were painted a sickly yellow.墙壁漆了一种令人反感的黄色。The scribbles on the wall must be the work of those children.墙壁上的涂鸦准是那几个孩子画的。The fireplace flamed the opposite wall.炉火照亮了对面的墙壁The paper was used for sealing up holes in walls and roofs.纸被用来填塞墙壁和房顶的洞了。The walls were painted in a lovely fresh blue.墙壁被漆成可爱的亮蓝色。We painted the walls light green.我们将墙壁粉刷成了淡绿色。He threw a grenade that penetrated the wall of the building and exploded inside.他扔的那颗手榴弹穿过大楼的墙壁,在楼内发生了爆炸。When we moved here the walls and ceiling were in an awful state.我们搬到这里时,墙壁和天花板都惨不忍睹。The office walls and furniture are a uniform grey.办公室的墙壁和家具一律都是灰色的。Vandals disfigured the wall with graffiti.破坏公物者的涂鸦把墙壁搞得乱七八糟。We covered the wall with clear plastic sheeting.我们把墙壁覆上透明塑料布。The walls in this apartment are paper-thin; I can hear everything they're saying next door.这个套间的墙壁极薄,隔壁房间里说的话我都听得清楚。The car crashed into the fence/wall/guardrail.汽车撞上了栅栏/墙壁/护栏。The dark colours are balanced by the brightness of the walls.明亮的墙壁使这些深色调显得不那么暗淡。He scraped the car against the garage wall.他的车蹭到了车库的墙壁上。Hundreds of office buildings and homes developed large cracks in walls and ceilings.数百栋写字楼和住宅楼的墙壁和天花板上都出现了裂缝。The walls of the chapel were plain white and its only adornment was a large wooden crucifix.小教堂的墙壁是全白的,唯一的装饰是一个木质大十字架。We need to wash down the walls before we can start painting.我们需要把墙壁彻底清洗一下才能开始画画。The walls had been painted very badly.墙壁粉刷得很差劲。The living room is pockmarked with bullet holes.客厅墙壁上有弹孔。He climbs up walls spider-fashion.他像蜘蛛一样攀上墙壁We found a sofa in a subtle stripe to match the walls.我们找到了一款和墙壁风格很搭的细条纹布沙发。The walls are slightly out of true.墙壁稍微有点斜。Paint the walls and ceilings the same colour so they blend together.墙壁和天花板涂上相同的颜色,好让两者融成一体。The earthquake cracked walls and driveways and knocked out electricity and communications.这场地震使墙壁和车道断裂,电力及通讯也中断了。The walls are stippled and glazed in yellow.墙壁表面做了粗糙化处理,并上了一层黄色光亮涂层。What do you think of tan for the walls?你觉得墙壁涂成棕褐色怎么样?After the explosion, nothing of the walls or vaulting remained intact.爆炸发生之后,没什么墙壁或拱顶是完好无损的。The room was strange, the walls half papered, half painted.那个房间很奇怪,墙壁一半贴壁纸,一半刷涂料。The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to a halt.汽车从我们身边疾驰而过,蹭到墙壁上然后戛然刹住。Throughout, the walls are white.那些墙壁通体上下都是白的。Tongues of flame licked up the walls.火舌吞噬了墙壁The walls were built of dark rough stone.墙壁是由黑色粗质石头砌成的。I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back.我小心翼翼地后退,直到感觉后背碰到了墙壁The monitors are recessed into the walls of his office.监控器都装在他办公室墙壁的凹处。She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.她说车站应该建在住宅区附近的开阔地带,不应为树木或墙壁所遮挡。The walls bear the scrawls of doomed inmates.墙壁上有死囚潦草的笔迹。Those red walls will probably need two undercoats.那些红色墙壁可能需要刷两层底漆。Passageways were pierced through the walls of houses.在房子的墙壁上凿出了通道。




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