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词汇 不祥
例句 I have a bad feeling about this.我对此有种不祥之感He made an inauspicious start to his career by breaking a leg in his first race.他第一次赛跑就摔断了腿,这给他的事业带来了不祥的开端。I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.我认为她的话里有点儿不祥的意味。As she read his letter, warning bells began to sound in her head.她读着他的来信,心中有一种不祥的预感。The house had a lot of bad karma.这幢房子充满了不祥的气氛。There was an ominous silence.有一种不祥的静寂。The fog looked ominous in the evening gloom.夜色中的雾气看上去有一种不祥的征兆。The silence seemed frighteningly ominous.这种寂静感觉上很不祥,很吓人。The opening scene of Hamlet is gravid with ill-boding unease.《哈姆雷特》开始一场充满不祥的惊悚气氛。I felt a gloomy foreboding that something was going to go wrong.我有一种不祥的预感,总觉得要出事。She was filled with a sense of foreboding.她充满了不祥之感。There's a sinister feeling about this old abandoned house.这所废弃的老房子给人一种不祥的感觉。Katy answered the phone. There was an ominous silence.凯蒂接起电话,只有一阵不祥的沉默。I had a queer feeling that something bad was about to happen.我有种奇怪的感觉,不祥之事即将发生。It was a sinister and frightening place.这是个不祥的恐怖之地。Despite earlier dire predictions, shares remained steady.尽管早先有一些不祥的预言,股价依旧稳定。I wonder if she had a premonition of her own fate.我不知道她是否对自己的命运有不祥的预感。The bar seemed ominously quiet.酒吧里非常安静,给人一种不祥的预感。According to local folklore it is an evil place.据当地民间传说,这是个不祥的地方。He had a sudden sense of foreboding. Something was wrong, very wrong.突然他有一种不祥的预感。肯定出事了,出了大事了。Tim's absence filled her with foreboding.提姆的缺席令她产生了不祥的预感。He spoke in ominous tones.他用一种让人感到不祥的腔调说话。Suddenly I felt an awful premonition and knew that I shouldn't have mentioned his name.突然我感到一种不祥的预兆,意识到自己不该提到他的名字。The ruined house had a sinister appearance.那座倒塌的房子外观给人一种不祥之感。Some economic statistics are giving off negative signals.有一些经济统计数字正发出不祥的信号。It seems that her forebodings were justified.看来她不祥的预感是有道理的。The omens are not good.这些预兆不祥They took the storm as a bad omen.他们把那场暴风雨看作不祥的预兆。Another wave crashed onto the deck and the mast made an ominous creaking sound.又一个浪头哗啦啦地打上了甲板,船桅发出了不祥的吱嘎声。She felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach.她的内心深处有一种不祥之感。This ominous warning soon proved prophetic.这个不祥的警告很快证明是有预见性的。He saw something ominous in the dinner party.他在宴会上感觉到有什么不祥的事要发生。The car is making an ominous rattling sound.汽车在发出一种不祥的咔嗒咔嗒声。Foreboding mingled with his excitement.他在兴奋的同时又夹杂着一种不祥的预感。The sky was ominously dark.不祥的阴霾笼罩天空。They see this as an ominous development.他们将此视为不祥的事态发展。She had a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach.她心头一沉,有种不祥的预感。When the army moved into the city, the streets were ominously silent.军队进城时,街道上是一片不祥的静寂。There was an ominous silence at the other end of the phone.电话那头出现了不祥的沉默。I had a sinking feeling when I picked up the bill.接到账单时,我有种不祥的预感。




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