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To be frank, George isn't very good at the job.坦白地说,乔治不是很适合这份工作。The Republican candidate's admissions about his failure to pay taxes cost him dearly.该共和党候选人承认自己没有缴税,这一坦白让他付出了惨痛代价。Admit it! You lied to me!坦白吧!你对我撒了谎!Well, frankly, I think this proves that there are a lot of people making laws in this country who don't really know what they're doing.坦白地说,我觉得这说明这个国家有许多制定法律的人根本不知道自己在干什么。He made some startling admissions about his past.他坦白了自己过去一些令人震惊的事。To be plain with you, I know nothing about it.坦白对你讲,我对此一无所知。She decided to level with him and tell him how she felt.她决定坦白告诉他自己的感受。He is afraid that his confession will bring dishonor on/upon the family.他怕自己的坦白会使家庭蒙受耻辱。At first he denied everything, but eventually he fessed up.一开始他否认一切,但最终全部坦白了。Tell me straight what you think of the plan.请把你对这个计划的看法坦白地告诉我。He finally fessed up about his involvement. = He finally fessed up to being involved.他最终坦白了,承认自己涉及其中。Frankly, I'm sick of hearing about his problems.坦白地讲,我不想听有关他的问题。His frank statements were really out of place at the party.他那番坦白话实在不适合在宴会里说。To put it crudely, nobody really gives a toss about this any more.坦白地说,没人会真的再在乎这件事了。When I was a teenager and came out to my parents, they said they already knew I was bi.我十几岁的时候向父母坦白时,他们说已经知道我是双性恋了。Confession is the first stage of coming to terms with what you've done.坦白是你正视自己所作所为的第一步。To put it bluntly, he became a pain.坦白地说,他成了个令人头疼的人。As you've been so ingenuously frank, the least I can do is return the favour.既然你如此直率坦白,我至少能报答你的好意。My nephew wants me to invest in his business, but frankly I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.我侄子想让我在他的公司里投资,但是坦白地说,我不想与他有瓜葛。He decided to make a clean breast of what had happened and risk being punished.他决定冒着被惩罚的危险如实坦白发生的一切。To put it crudely , I just don't like you.坦白地讲,我就是不喜欢你。Julia finally made a clean breast of it and admitted that she had stolen the money.朱莉娅最终坦白了,承认是她偷了钱。I freely admit I made many mistakes.我坦白地承认自己犯过许多错误。Let me be perfectly frank with you.让我完全坦白地跟你说吧。I don't think you've been completely open with me.我觉得你对我并非完全坦白。She's weakening - ask her some more questions and see if she confesses.她快挺不住了——再问她些问题看她会不会坦白。You had better own up.你还是坦白的好。Frankly, the film was blooming awful.坦白地说,这部电影糟透了。I have a confession to make.我有一件事情要坦白。I told her straight out that she was wrong.我坦白地告诉她,她错了。Lillian opened up to Frank about her bisexuality.莉莲坦白地告诉弗兰克自己是双性恋。His confession was greeted with derisive hoots.他的坦白引起了人们嘲讽的嘘叫。He has leveled with the American people about his role in the affair.他向美国人民坦白了他在这个事件中所扮演的角色。I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing.我可以坦白地说,我们最差的顾问挣不到一分钱。I think you're incompetent, to put it bluntly.坦白地说,我认为你并不称职。She was quite open about her ambitions.她对自己的志向相当坦白。I must be plain with you.我必须坦白地对你说。Last year my husband owned up to a secret affair with his secretary.去年丈夫向我坦白了他与秘书的私情。She was totally open and honest about her feelings.她对自己的感情非常坦白。Ted had openly confessed his guilt to me.特德已经对我公开坦白认罪。 |