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词汇 坚毅
例句 A determined glint appeared in her eye.她眼里闪现出坚毅的光芒。Henin gave a typically gritty performance, coming back from 4-0 down.海宁表现出一贯的坚毅,把零比四落后的比分扳回。His jaw was set, but his voice sounded thin and unsure.他表情坚毅,但声音听起来却显得有气无力、犹豫不定。His bristling determination has become a symbol of England's renaissance.他精力旺盛,坚毅顽强,已经成为英格兰文艺复兴的一个象征。When we come down to brass tacks he hasn't enough backbone.我们讨论到实质问题时,他就不那么坚毅了。Captain Grenville stared at him steely-eyed.格伦维尔上尉用坚毅的目光凝视着他。I've always been drawn to tough, gutsy women.我总是为果敢坚毅的女性所吸引。He endured this treatment with stoicism.他以坚毅的态度忍受着这种待遇。I was hypnotized by his steely grey eyes.我被他那双神情坚毅的灰色眼睛迷住了。If anyone can do it, he can. He's a battler and has a strong character.只要有人能做到这一点,他就能做到。他是一位斗士,个性坚毅A smile played around his strong mouth.坚毅的嘴角挂着一丝微笑。Artist Richard Stone has captured in her eyes and the set of her face her steely determination.画家理查德·斯通在她的眼神和面部表情中捕捉到了她的坚毅和决绝。His face set into a determined expression as he read the letter.他看信的时候神色坚毅Her slight accent added emphasis to the firmness of her voice.她轻微的口音给她的声音注入了一种坚毅He was bronzed and athletic, with manly features and a steady gaze.他皮肤古铜色,体格健壮,长相英挺,目光坚毅He showed the gritty determination that we've come to expect from him.他不负所望,表现出了应有的坚毅和果敢。




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