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词汇 坐牢
例句 I think he went to prison for a short time.我想他坐牢坐了很短时间。Some people hold their beliefs very strongly, even to the extent of being prepared to go to prison for them.一些人信仰坚定,甚至为之坐牢也在所不惜。I am not prepared to go to jail for that ungrateful woman!我可不准备为那个忘恩负义的女人去坐牢It was a borderline decision whether to send him to prison or not.要不要判他坐牢是两可的决定。We want Taylor in jail where we can keep an eye on him.我们想让泰勒去坐牢,在那里可以监视他的行动。More convictions are leading to a bulge in the prison population.定罪更多导致坐牢人数有所增加。Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation.罪犯可以选择要么坐牢,要么当众受辱。Because he was a first offender, he was put on probation rather than sentenced to jail.因为是初犯,他被判了缓刑,不用坐牢The old lags used to joke on the convict boats.多次坐牢的惯犯过去常在囚船上开玩笑。He claimed he would rather go to prison than continue being dunned by the taxman.他声称宁可坐牢也不愿意再被税务局催款。I'll try and explain to you what being in prison was like.我尽量跟你描述一下坐牢是怎么一种滋味。In those days, anyone who defaulted on a loan was put in prison.那时候,凡欠债不还的都要坐牢His wife stood by him during his years in prison.坐牢的那几年里妻子一直支持他。Bates allowed an innocent man to go to jail for his crime.贝茨让一个无辜的人为他犯下的罪行去坐牢Through a series of legal maneuvers, the defense lawyer kept her client out of jail.通过一系列法律手段,辩护律师使她的委托人免于坐牢Both her sons are now in jail.她的两个儿子现在都在坐牢He is serving time for robbery.他因犯抢劫罪在坐牢Those two should have been thrown in jail.那两个人早就应该抓去坐牢Men like him usually ended up in jail – or the gutter.像他这样的男人,下场通常是坐牢 — 要不就是穷困潦倒。She was ordered to remain silent under pain of imprisonment.她冒着坐牢的危险,被命保持沉默。He'll probably go to jail for this. It's his wife I feel sorry for.他可能会为这事坐牢。让我感到难过的是他的妻子。While in prison he developed an interest in art.坐牢时对艺术产生了兴趣。Instead of ending up in jail or in the gutter, he was remarkably successful.他不但没有坐牢或是落得一无所有,反而取得了巨大的成就。What did you hanker after most when you were in prison?你在坐牢时最渴望得到的是什么?When someone mentioned Andy's time in prison, the atmosphere grew tense.有人说到安迪坐牢的时候,气氛变得紧张起来。When you're in prison, every day feels just like the one before.坐牢时,每天的感觉都和前一天没有两样。The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chances for public office.公开他曾坐牢一事断送了他谋求在政府机构任职的机会。The ship's captain and crew may be brought to trial and even sent to prison.这艘船的船长和船员可能会被告上法庭,甚至有可能坐牢The man went to prison but the boy got off with a warning.那个男子坐牢去了,而那个男孩只受到警告而没有受处罚。He learned this song as an inmate at a Texas prison.他在得克萨斯州一所监狱坐牢时学会了这首歌。Prison is not the answer for most young offenders.对于大多数少年犯而言,坐牢并非解决问题的办法。If she is sent to prison, what will become of her children?如果她去坐牢,她的孩子会怎样?His career went up in flames when he was jailed for theft.他因为偷盗坐牢后事业受到了重创。It took a lot of legal maneuvering for the defense lawyer to keep her client out of jail.辩护律师采取了许多法律手段才使她的委托人免于坐牢The judge will decide whether Barry will be sent to prison or a psychiatric hospital.法官将判定送巴里去坐牢还是去精神病医院。How long has she been in jail?坐牢多久了?My imprisonment was likely to scar me permanently.坐牢可能对我造成永久性的精神创伤。He has richly earned a sentence of incarceration.被判坐牢完全是他咎由自取。I would sooner go to prison than fight for this country.我宁愿坐牢也不愿为这个国家打仗。Dunn copped a plea to avoid going to jail.杜恩坦白交代了,免得坐牢




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