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词汇 company
例句 There is plenty of room for advancement within the company.在该公司内部有足够的晋升空间。The Leicestershire company has sold off many of its smaller branches to cut debts.莱斯特郡的那个公司为了减轻债务卖掉了许多小的分部。The company has now gone into receivership with debts of several million.公司欠债数百万,现在已进入破产管理阶段。The company endured heavy financial losses.那家公司遭受了严重亏损。Her dogs/sisters/books/thoughts are her only company these days.她的狗儿/姊妹/书籍/思绪是她这些天来唯一的陪伴。A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company.少数幸运儿投资这家公司赚了大钱。The company is retooling for the future.为了未来的发展,公司正在进行重组。He was forced to eat crow when the company fired him.公司解雇了他,这使他不得不服输。What was the company's annual income?公司的年收益是多少?The company tends to overpay upper management.这家公司往往给高管过高的薪酬。I was then under contract to a bus company.那时候我按合同为一家公车公司工作。Komansky, the new chairman of the company, is a smart, straightforward, engaging fellow.公司的新主席科曼斯基是个很精明、爽快、讨人喜欢的家伙。The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year.公司在年底宣布红利甚丰。Although we are a small company, we produce over 10,000 cars a year.我们虽然是一家小公司,但每年能生产一万多辆汽车。The company owes its success to the complementary talents of its co-owners.公司的成功归功于合伙人之间的才能互补。He introduced better methods of management in this company.他为本公司引进了更好的管理方法。The decision to save the company has been warmly applauded.拯救公司的决定受到了热情的称赞。The company was coming off one of its best years ever.即将过去的一年是公司历史上最兴旺的好年景之一。Employees’ records are kept on file for one year after they have left the company.雇员离开公司后,其记录会存档一年。She joined a dance company which took her around the world.她加入了一个舞蹈团,到世界各地去演出。The company owes a duty of care to all its customers.公司有义务照顾好所有顾客。By keeping costs down, the company will make larger profits from its products.通过降低成本,公司将从产品中赚取更大的利润。The company hopes to launch the new drug by next October.公司希望于明年十月前推出这种新药。The rapid promotion of the director's son has itself fuelled resentment within the company.董事的儿子升职太快了,这件事激起了公司内的不满情绪。The company is preparing for a huge marketing push.公司在筹备大规模营销推广活动。This takes account of the number of countries in which a company wins approval for a new drug, weighted by the size of each country's market.这考虑到了允许一家公司的新药在本国上市的国家的数量,并依照每个国家的市场规模权衡其重要性。Who handles the marketing in your company?你们公司谁负责市场营销?Will it change the fate of the company?这会改变公司的命运吗?She could have had her pick of the best jobs in the company.她原本可以挑选公司里最好的工作。The directors’ personal assets will not be at risk if the company does fold.如果这家公司真的倒闭,董事们的个人资产也不会有风险。The book is the company's number one seller.这本书是公司最畅销的书。The demand for the product has outpaced the company's ability to produce it.对产品的需求超过了公司的生产能力。There are doubts about the profitability and the scalability of the company's web business.对公司的网站业务是否能盈利和扩增有疑虑。Every second her equipment was off line cost the company money.她的设备每停产一秒钟,公司都要损失钱。High-ranking officials were purged from the company following the merger.合并后,高管们遭到清除,被迫离开公司。This is losing valuable business for the company.这是在使公司损失价值可观的生意。What the company is proposing encroaches on the rights of individuals.公司打算做的这件事侵犯了个人的权利。The company has access to your personal data.这家公司能够获取你的个人资料。The company is accused of employing questionable methods to obtain the contract.公司遭到采取不正当手段取得合同的指控。She's charged with misuse of company funds.她被指控滥用公司资金。




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