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词汇 take stock
例句 Schools have reports, colleges have assessments, businesses take stock.中小学校有成绩单,大学有评价报告,公司则编制库存清单。We should take stock of our finances.我们应该权衡一下我们的财力。We need to take stock and formulate a plan.我们需要认真思量后再构想出计划。It's time to take stock of what our government does and weed out the wasteful and ineffective programs.是时候对我们政府的施政进行检讨,并取消那些浪费金钱而无效率的计划了。It is time to take stock of our river resources, but there is no nationwide inventory.是清查我国河流资源的时候了,可手头没有全国范围的资料目录。I'll have to take stock, go carefully, and regain my buoyancy.我要进行反思,谨慎行事,找回我的乐观状态。It will be a speech that takes stock in our accomplishments.这将是一次对我们的成就予以肯定的讲话。Millie felt she needed to stop and take stock of her life.米莉认为需要停下来检视一下自己的生活。I take stock of my teacher.我对老师总是品头论足。Between projects, Morrison tries to rest, take stock, and do some gardening for relaxation.在两个项目之间,莫里森会设法休息一下,检讨得失,干点园艺活放松一下。I'll have to take stock, go carefully and regain my buoyancy.我将不得不审时度势,小心行事,同时保持乐观。It was time to take stock of the situation.是时候统观一下形势了。Now that the crisis is over, it is time to take stock of the political situation in the region.现在危机过去了,是时候对该地区的政治形势审视一番了。You have to take stock of your position.你必须估计一下你的处境。We had to take stock of our position.我们必须估计一下我们的处境。I was forty, the age when people take stock and change their lives.我已年届不惑,到了该全面审视自己并改变生活的年龄了。




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