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词汇 在谈判中
例句 They are in a good bargaining position.在谈判中他们处于有利地位。The company says that workers are not conceding enough in negotiations.公司方面说劳方在谈判中未做出足够让步。It has been claimed, with some justification, that his role in the negotiations was not as significant as history would have us believe.据称他在谈判中的作用并不像历史让我们相信的那样重要,这有一定的道理。The employees on strike are concerned that the union will bargain away wage increases for other less desirable benefits.罢工的员工们担心工会在谈判中会为了其他一些次要的利益而放弃加薪的要求。Banding together allows growers to negotiate a better price for their crop.种植者们联合起来能在谈判中为自己的农产品争取到较好的价格。The government claims that as long as they have nuclear weapons, they can negotiate from a position of strength.政府声称,只要有核武器,就能在谈判中处于有利地位。The owners of the company had/held the whip hand in the negotiations.这家公司的老板在谈判中占据主导地位。Both sides are trying to wear the other down by being obstinate in the negotiations.双方在谈判中都不肯让步,试图耗尽对方的耐性。He played a pivotal role in the negotiations.在谈判中起关键作用。In the negotiations, he outmanoeuvred his rivals by offering a higher price.在谈判中,他开出了更高的价码,智胜竞争对手。She's planning to play a larger role in the negotiations.她打算在谈判中发挥更重要的作用。Their opening gambit in the negotiations was to demand a wage hike.他们在谈判中的第一招就是要求加薪。In negotiating you have to develop an instinct for when to be tough and when to make a deal.在谈判中必须练就一种直觉,知道何时该强硬,何时该妥协。He was never more than a mere figurehead in the negotiations.在谈判中从来都只是一个傀儡而已。If either side is to make any headway in these negotiations, they must be prepared to compromise.不管哪方想要在谈判中有所进展,他们一定得作好妥协的准备。We are now in a strong bargaining position.现在我们在谈判中处于有利位置。The union should be at an advantage in the negotiations.工会在谈判中应该有优势。We are negotiating from a position of strength. 我们在谈判中处于强势地位。Management and the unions have reached a stalemate in their negotiations.资方和工会在谈判中陷入了僵局。They played a highly visible role in the negotiations.他们在谈判中充当了令人瞩目的角色。The same information is equally useful when negotiating.这条信息在谈判中也同样有用。Research has established that he played an important role in the negotiations.研究表明,他在谈判中起了重要的作用。They suddenly had more leverage in negotiations.突然之间,他们在谈判中有了更大的影响力。They are negotiating from a position of strength.他们在谈判中处于强势。He played/used his trump card during the negotiations.在谈判中抛出了手中的王牌。During the talks, the two sides came a little closer together.在谈判中,双方的关系稍微密切了一些。Britain played a major role in the negotiations.英国在谈判中发挥了重要作用。She played a major role in the negotiations.在谈判中扮演了重要角色。French farmers feel they've been sold out by their government in the negotiations.法国农场主感到在谈判中他们被政府出卖了。




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