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词汇 在经济上
例句 Eventually even their economic predominance was to suffer.最终,甚至连他们在经济上的主导地位也会受损。He hasn't made any provision for his retirement yet.在经济上还未做好退休的准备。Poor chap, he was clearly in dire straits financially.可怜的家伙,他显然是在经济上陷入困境了。He remained financially dependent on his parents even as an adult.他甚至在成年后,仍然在经济上依赖父母。She wanted to go out to work and be financially independent她想出去工作,在经济上取得独立。It is only their investment that makes the project economically viable.正是他们的投资才使这个项目在经济上具有了可行性。The show aired an exposé on the candidate's financial indiscretions.这个节目播放了那位候选人在经济上失检的报道。Women ought not to be in financial subjection to their husbands.妇女在经济上不应从属于丈夫。He is sitting pretty financially.在经济上非常宽裕。Special provision should be made for children.应给孩子在经济上专门作好安排。The party is calling for greater economic unity.该党正呼吁在经济上进一步统一。He was able to charm my mother into helping him financially.他总能哄得我母亲在经济上帮助他。This is not an economically attractive option for many farmers.对许多农民来说,这一选择在经济上没有吸引力。The minister stressed the need for economic sacrifice.部长强调了在经济上作出牺牲的必要性。That country is economically vulnerable but militarily a colossus.那个国家在经济上脆弱,而军事上是个巨人。My mother relied on me for financial support.我妈妈在经济上靠我支持。Economically, Canada appears to be the developed world's odd man out.加拿大在经济上似乎是发达国家中游离在外的一个。In order to stay ahead financially, truckers tend to violate speed and weight limits.卡车司机为了在经济上多得好处常常超速和超载。 There are many financial benefits to owning your own home.拥有自己的住宅在经济上会有很多好处。The country was headed on the wrong track, economically.该国在经济上走错了路线。I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially, but they're not in a position to do so.我肯定他们愿意在经济上资助她,但他们却心有余而力不足。This plan for a new town library is not economically feasible. 新建镇图书馆这个计划在经济上不可行。We are financially on our feet.我们在经济上是独立的。Women are now financially independent. We have our own flats, we direct our own lives.女性如今在经济上独立了。我们有自己的公寓,我们能支配自己的生活。The President needed to divert attention away from his own economic record.总统需要将人们的视线从他以往在经济上的表现上转移开。He found himself in a difficult situation financially.他发觉自己在经济上陷入了困境。Who would benefit financially from Bobby's death?博比去世后谁会在经济上受益?Most of the time people vote for the party that offers them financial advantages.在多数情况下人们会投票给承诺在经济上给他们带来好处的政党。Organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives.对实行有机栽培的农民应当在经济上给予鼓励。His economic mismanagement has lost him the support of the general public.在经济上的管理不善使他失去了广大民众的支持。The government offered to give us financial help.政府提出在经济上给我们援助。Small English orchards can hardly compete economically with larger French ones.英国的小型果园很难在经济上和法国的大型果园竞争。The company's closure has left many small businessmen in desperate financial straits.这家公司的倒闭使很多小企业主在经济上陷入极度困难的境地。The pit had proved economically unviable.这个煤矿被证实在经济上不能盈利。They are counting on a big financial return.他们指望着在经济上有丰厚的回报。The two sprees had knocked me back financially.那两次的挥霍使我在经济上大为拮据。He was still economically dependent on his mother.在经济上依然依赖母亲。




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