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词汇 条约
例句 Congress repudiated the treaty that the President had negotiated.国会拒绝批准总统已商定的条约The treaties quickly ran into opposition from senators.那些条约很快就遭到参议员们的反对。The two countries signed a treaty to solidify their alliance.两国签订了条约以巩固双方的联盟。With news of the treaty came a cessation of hostilities. 条约公布后便停战了。The treaty is far from perfect, but it is clearly the way forward.条约远非完美,但显然方向是正确的。Britain was concerned that its sovereignty and cultural identity would be harmed by the treaty.英国担心其主权和文化独立性会由于这一条约而受到损害。Indonesia was not a party to this treaty.印尼不是本条约的缔约国。The treaty was signed and sealed by both governments.条约已经两国政府签字盖章。The rival nations signed a covenant to reduce their armaments.敌对的国家签署了裁减军备条约Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark.民意测验显示该欧盟条约已在丹麦获得支持。The treaty gave Edward III sovereignty over Calais and the whole of Aquitaine.这一条约授予爱德华三世对加来和整个阿基坦大区的主权。The hotel is famous as the place where the treaty was signed.这家酒店作为条约的签署地而闻名。The Republicans do not have the political muscle to prevent the treaty being rejected by Congress.共和党没有足够的政治实力来防止国会否决该条约Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.两个国家都是《核不扩散条约》的签约国。The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.苏联为形势所迫同纳粹德国签订了一项条约Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognising each other as independent sovereign states.立陶宛和亚美尼亚在维尔纽斯签订条约,承认彼此为独立主权国家。Many countries have acceded to the treaty.许多国家已加入了那个条约The treaty should strengthen ties between the two countries.条约应该会加强两国之间的联系。The two countries are drafting a treaty.两国正在草拟一份条约The President reiterated his support for the treaty.总统重申了他对条约的支持。Treaties require ratification by the respective countries.条约需经各自的国家批准。They failed to adhere to the terms of the agreement/treaty.他们没有遵守协议/条约的条款。Under the treaty, both sides will sign away a third of their nuclear weapons.根据该条约的规定,双方将签字放弃他们三分之一的核武器。A number of countries have refused to ratify the treaty.一些国家拒绝在条约上签字。The treaty is now void of absolute commitments.条约现在失去了绝对的约束力。The government has taken a hard line in treaty negotiations.政府在条约谈判中采取了强硬立场。The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere.《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。The treaty was annulled several years ago.那个条约于数年前被废除。Britain's negotiators had ensured that the treaty which resulted was a significant change in direction.英国谈判代表已经担保由此而签订的条约将是方向上的重大改变。The treaty was imposed by force, and therein lay the cause of its ineffectiveness.条约是通过武力强行签订的,它之所以执行不力,原因就在于此。He signed the treaty in the presence of two witnesses.他在两位见证人面前签署了条约The party cannot be seen to let the treaty through on the nod.不能眼看着该党让此条约毫无异议地通过。Their government acceded to the treaty.他们的政府加入了那个条约A `no' vote would have left the treaty dead in the water.一张否决票可能就会使这个条约胎死腹中。They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.他们希望该条约能够为东南亚带来和平与稳定。The treaty has brought a new spirit of reconciliation on both sides.条约使双方产生了新的和解精神。American forces will remain to verify compliance with the treaty.美国军队将继续驻留,核查条约是否得到遵守。The United States didn't affix its signature to the biodiversity treaty.美国没有在生物多样性条约上签字。The Foreign Secretary's views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated.外交大臣就该条约发表的观点有大量记述并被屡屡提及。The treaty covers a grab bag of issues.条约中涵盖了多种问题。




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