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词汇 条鱼
例句 The fish you bought doesn't smell right. 你买的这条鱼闻起来不新鲜了。He dove his hand into the tank and pulled out a fish.他猛地把手伸进鱼缸,捞出一条鱼How can you tell whether the fish is a he or a she?你怎么知道这条鱼是雄的还是雌的?Sea snakes inject a poison so strong that it kills a fish instantly.海蛇射出的毒液毒性很强,可把一条鱼当场杀死。By now the fish was showing signs of distress.到了这时,这条鱼显露出痛苦的迹象。That cloud is shaped like a fish.那片云形如一条鱼A fish in the river catches the light one second and swims off into a dark pool the next.河里的一条鱼闪现了一下,紧接着游到旁边的深水池里去了。Where did you catch the fish?.条鱼你在哪儿逮的?The fish Mike caught was a whopper.迈克捉到的这条鱼大得吓人。The fish was a foot and a half long. 条鱼一英尺半长。A fish nosed the surface and the water riffled.条鱼探出水面,水面便起了涟漪。The Indian speared a fish.那位印第安人叉中了一条鱼He caught a fish in the net.他用网捕到一条鱼The fish is two feet in length.条鱼有两英尺长。She had a fish impaled on the point of her spear.她矛尖上叉住了一条鱼The fisherman felt a bite at the end of his line and reeled in a fish.渔夫感到线尾有鱼咬钩,收绕钓线,拽起了一条鱼




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