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词汇 在海滩上
例句 We sat on the beach and watched the sun set.我们坐在海滩上看日落。I spent a week in Spain, lying around on the beach.我在西班牙呆了一周,在海滩上享受清闲。You can play anywhere on the beach as long as you stay within earshot.你可以在海滩上任何地方玩,只要在听得到我们的范围内就可以了。We combed the beach for shells.我们在海滩上仔细搜寻贝壳。There were picnics on the beach and moonlight swims.有人在海滩上野餐,有人在月下游泳。We all had a good time on the beach.我们在海滩上玩得很开心。They found her walking alone and depressed on the beach.他们碰见她独自一人神色忧郁地走在海滩上We spent the entire day at the beach.我们在海滩上度过了一整天。They rounded off the day with a barbecue at the beach.他们在海滩上举行烧烤结束了一天的活动。They walked on the beach hand in hand.他们手拉手在海滩上散步。We were dive-bombed by seagulls at the beach.我们在海滩上遭到海鸥俯冲袭击。The boys were throwing and catching a frisbee on the beach.男孩子们在海滩上玩掷接飞盘。Imagine you're lying on a beach, listening to the steady rhythm of waves lapping the shore.想象一下你正躺在海滩上,倾听海浪有节奏地轻轻拍打海岸的声音。I just want to lie on the beach in the sun.我只想躺在海滩上晒太阳。I am shy about baring my breasts in public on the beach.我不好意思在海滩上当众裸露胸部。Relax on the beach or enjoy the hustle and bustle of the busy fishing port.要么在海滩上尽情放松,要么去观赏一下繁忙的渔港中那熙来攘往的景象。I asked him to fly low over the beach.我让他在海滩上空低飞。The kids were hunting for shells on the beach.孩子们在海滩上寻找贝壳。We were all sunburned from a day on the beach.我们在海滩上过了一天,皮肤都晒黑了。You can breathe the incense of salt, cedar and seaweed on the beach.在海滩上你可以呼吸到海盐、雪松和海藻的香味。I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach.我喜欢穿着泳衣在海滩上招摇而行。They are sunning themselves on the beach.他们在海滩上晒太阳。The children were collecting shells on the beach.孩子们在海滩上捡贝壳。She got a bang out of watching her grandson at the beach.看着孙子在海滩上玩耍,她心中很是快乐。I met a few strollers on the beach.在海滩上碰到几个散步的人。She paraded around on the beach in her bikini.她穿着比基尼在海滩上招摇地四处走动。Did you have a good time at the beach?在海滩上玩得开心吗?We spent the afternoon fooling around on the beach.我们在海滩上闲荡了一个下午。It's wonderful lying on the beach all day.整天躺在海滩上,那滋味真好极了。I spent my working life poncing around on a beach instead of doing a proper job.我把该用于工作的时间都在海滩上游手好闲掉了,而没去从事一份像样的工作。After a morning at the beach our kids were zonked out.在海滩上玩了一上午,孩子们都累得筋疲力尽。The children play on the beach during the summer.夏天孩子们在海滩上玩耍。Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer sightseeing.有些人喜欢躺在海滩上,而我则宁愿去游览观光。She found her things high and dry on the beach.她发现她的东西在海滩上,没有被潮水浸湿。The main reason I'm going to Jamaica is so I can lie on the beach and chill out without being distracted.我要去牙买加的主要原因是为了可以在海滩上躺下来,不受干扰地放松一下。He was spotted on the beach looking extremely buff.他出现在海滩上,身材看上去十分健美。Our hotel was right on the beach.我们的旅馆就在海滩上Chantal remembered carefree past summers at the beach.钱特尔记起了从前在海滩上度过的无忧无虑的夏日时光。We sat on the beach watching a spectacular sunset.我们坐在海滩上观看壮丽的晚霞。They throng the beaches between late June and early August.他们于六月末到八月初群集在海滩上




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