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词汇 刹车
例句 My brakes are not working properly.我的刹车失灵了。Check and adjust your brakes regularly.定期检查并调节刹车My brakes failed.我的刹车失灵了。The sudden application of the brakes plunged him forwards.突然的刹车使他猛地一个前倾。You should test your brakes regularly.你应该定期检查刹车The brakes failed and the van crashed into a tree.刹车失灵,货车撞到了树上。He was driving with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake.他开车时,一脚放在油门上,一脚放在刹车上。If you don't leave enough space between your car and the car in front, you may not be able to stop in time.如果你的车没有跟前面的车保持足够的距离,就有可能无法及时刹车The factory has issued a recall of all cars with the defective brakes.工厂召回了所有刹车有问题的汽车。The car in front suddenly stopped and I slammed on the brakes.前面的车突然停住,我急忙刹车Removal of the brake pads is a simple operation which can be done with a few basic tools.拆除刹车板很简单,有几件基本工具就能做到。She put her foot on the brakes just in time.她的脚刚刚来得及踩在刹车上。The bus was flying along when suddenly the driver slammed on the brakes.那辆公共汽车正在疾驰,忽然驾驶员急踏刹车His car has faulty brakes.他的车刹车有毛病。You quickly get used to using the brakes.你很快就会习惯使用刹车My new car can stop on a dime.我的新车刹车很灵。The brakes needed some adjustment.刹车需要调整一下。Stopping distances for cars vary with the speed they are travelling at.汽车的刹车距离根据当时车速的高低而不尽相同。A defect in the braking system caused several accidents before the car was recalled.这种汽车在被召回之前,其刹车系统中的一个瑕疵已造成了多起事故。To release the brake, pull the lever.要松开刹车,得拉动操纵杆。The car crashed after its brakes failed.那辆汽车刹车失灵,出了车祸。A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes.某厂家由于疏忽,制造并销售了一款刹车系统存在缺陷的汽车。Is the brake on?踩着刹车吗?We'll be in trouble if we can't get the brakes to work! 如果不能使刹车工作,我们将会有麻烦!He's outside fixing the brakes on the car.他在外面修理汽车的刹车After the accident, police discovered that the car's brakes had been tampered with.事故发生之后,警察发现汽车的刹车已被人破坏了。His front brake cable disengaged.他的前轮刹车索断了。As we suspected, there is a problem with the braking system, and it will be replaced.正如我们所猜测,是刹车系统出了问题,需要更换。The car's got power brakes.这辆车有动力刹车The car needs a brake/valve job. 这辆车的刹车/阀门该修了!Test your brakes after driving through water.在水里开过之后要验验刹车Check for signs of brake wear.检查刹车是否有磨损迹象。Long skid marks on the pavement indicated the driver had attempted to brake.人行道上留下的长长的滑行痕迹表明司机曾试图刹车The brakes don't seem to be working properly.刹车似乎不正常。He raised his foot off the brake.他松开了刹车I pressed the brake pedal, but nothing happened.我踩了刹车,但是没有用。The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman.司机有足够的时间刹车或急转弯,来避开那个女人。The car will need new brakes soon.汽车很快需要换刹车了。This car has excellent braking. 这辆车的刹车很灵。The brakes locked and the car spun off the road.刹车卡住了,汽车从路上飞了出去。




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