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例句 The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body.那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart.侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。The needle had penetrated deeply into his skin.那根针深深地刺入到他的皮肤里。The blade sliced into her shoulder.刀片刺入她的肩膀。The doctor was worried that the broken rib might puncture the woman's lung.医生担心那女人断裂的肋骨可能会刺入她的肺。The snake sank its fangs into its victim.蛇将毒牙刺入猎物身体中。The arrow pierced his heart.刺入了他的心脏。The knife landed with its point sticking into the floor.刀落地时刀尖刺入了地面。




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