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词汇 在旅馆
例句 Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr Hemming.据亨明先生所说,菲利普住在旅馆里。To anyone working in a hotel, angry complaints from guests are all in a day's work.在旅馆里工作的人来说,客人们怒气冲冲提意见是家常便饭。He waited two hours solid in the hotel.在旅馆里等了整整两小时。He left her in a hogtie on the hotel bed.他把她手脚绑住,留在旅馆房间里。They stayed three nights at the hotel.他们在旅馆里住了三夜。I waited for a taxi outside the hotel.在旅馆外面等出租车。Our guide met us in the hotel lobby and spent the entire day with us.我们的导游在旅馆大堂内接我们,然后一整天都陪着我们。Belles and beaux philandered in the hotels.俊男靓女在旅馆里调情。Valuables should be kept in the hotel safe.贵重物品应存放在旅馆保险箱内。A truck came to a stop in front of the hotel.一辆卡车在旅馆前面停下。We waited out the storm in our hotel room.我们在旅馆房间里一直等到暴风雨结束。All new guests must sign the hotel register.所有新来的旅客必须在旅馆登记簿上签名。The army had thrown a security cordon around the hotel.部队在旅馆周围布置了警戒线。We're having the hotel grounds landscaped.我们在旅馆的庭院里建造园林。He decided that he would drive back to town instead of putting up for the night at the hotel.他决定开车回镇上,不在旅馆过夜。They complained about the shabby treatment they received at the hotel.他们抱怨在旅馆受到了不公平的待遇。We'll have to spend the night in a hotel.我们将不得不在旅馆过夜。The sound of gunfire caused confusion outside the hotel.枪声在旅馆外面引起了骚乱。We spent a few moments enjoying the vista from the hotel balcony.我们有几次在旅馆的阳台上欣赏美景。He has just checked in at the hotel.他刚刚在旅馆办好住宿手续。Leave your valuables in the hotel safe.把你的贵重物品存放在旅馆的保险柜里。They travelled by day and stayed at hotels by night.他们白天行路,晚上在旅馆过夜。She registered at the hotel under/using a false/assumed name.在旅馆登记时她用了个化名。In the hotel lounge an awful chamber orchestra was sawing away under a lot of imitation palm leaves.在旅馆大厅浓密的人造棕叶之下,一支蹩脚的室内乐乐队正在演奏。They stayed overnight at the hotel.他们留在旅馆过夜。We stopped at a hotel for two nights.我们在旅馆呆了两夜。We had adjoining rooms at the hotel, so we could just go backwards and forwards between them.我们在旅馆里的房间都是相连的,所以我们可以穿梭其中。They parked in a small carpark at the rear of the hotel.他们把车停在旅馆后面的小停车场内。Come along, your room is in the annex to the hotel.来,你的房间在旅馆的增建部分。Don't keep him waiting about in the hotel.别让他在旅馆里空等。Guests may deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.旅客可将贵重物品存放在旅馆的保险柜中。We watched television in the hotel lounge.我们在旅馆休息室里看电视。I'll drop your bags at the hotel.我将把你的行李卸在旅馆里。Alone in her hotel room, a fever of longing transported her to her bedroom at home.她独自一人在旅馆房间里,一阵思家之情似乎把她带到了家中的卧室。We met at the hotel.我们在旅馆见的面。They registered at the hotel under the name of Smith.他们用史密斯这个名字在旅馆里登记。We stayed at a hotel.我们住在旅馆里。We dumped our stuff at the hotel.我们把自己的东西丢在旅馆里。The woman became angry and abusive when she was not allowed into the hotel.那名妇女被挡在旅馆外,于是就怒火冲天,破口大骂。She has just checked into the hotel.她刚刚在旅馆办好住宿登记。




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