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词汇 aeroplane
例句 The insured value of the aeroplane was greater than its book value.这架飞机的投保价值高于它的账面价值。It was a clumsy-looking aeroplane.那架飞机样子很难看。The aeroplane's engines failed and it plunged into the ocean.飞机发动机失灵,坠入了大海。As the aeroplane went down the runway the wing touched a pile of rubble.飞机降落沿跑道滑行的时候机翼擦到了一堆碎石。The voyage home began, but not before an intruding aeroplane had repeatedly circled the ship.开始返航了,但是在这之前一架入侵的飞机曾反复在轮船上空盘旋。On the aeroplane I was befriended by a delightful German woman.在飞机上,一位讨人喜欢的德国女士对我就像朋友一样。It was a clumsy looking aeroplane.那架飞机样子很难看。The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot.游击队员击落了一架飞机,俘获了飞行员。Mommy and I went in an aeroplane.我和妈妈登上一架飞机。The centre of pressure moves rearward and the aeroplane becomes unbalanced.气压中心后移使飞机失去平衡。I shook with terror whenever I was about to fly in an aeroplane.每次坐飞机前,我都吓得直发抖。I didn't get any sleep on the aeroplane.我在飞机上一点觉都没睡。The aeroplane abridges distance.飞机缩短了地面上的距离。She was in a great flutter about travelling by aeroplane.她对于乘飞机旅行感到十分紧张。The new aeroplane would rival its competitors in terms of noise, range and versatility.这种新型飞机在噪音、航程和用途方面可以与它的竞争对手匹敌。She has jumped from an aeroplane four times.她从飞机上跳过四次伞。An aeroplane was circling round far overhead.一架飞机在高空盘旋。The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion.飞机在空中盘旋,极其令人生厌。The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound.这架飞机的速度将是音速的两倍。The aeroplane flew straight back to Paris.飞机直接飞回巴黎。The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion.飞机在空中盘旋,令人不堪忍受。As he stepped off the aeroplane, he was shot dead.他一走下飞机便中枪身亡。The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the aeroplane.该公司被视为能够承担该飞机制造任务的潜在分包商之一。Two British fighters made rings round a large black aeroplane.两架英国战斗机飞快超过一架黑色的大飞机飞去。It was certificated as a single-pilot aeroplane although dual controls were fitted.这架飞机虽然安装了双人操作系统,但是获得的却是单人飞行的批文。I didn't get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane.我在飞机上没合一下眼。I had made a model aeroplane.我做了一架模型飞机。The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot.游击队击落了一架飞机,并俘获了飞行员。




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