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词汇 stoned
例句 Horses are running stoned blind on dope.赛马因注射了兴奋剂四处乱跑。Youths burned cars and stoned police.年轻人烧汽车,并向警察扔石头。He was stoned on pot.他抽了大麻飘飘然。Ruby recalled getting stoned during her misspent youth.鲁比还记得,在虚度光阴的少女时代她曾经因为吸食毒品而飘飘欲仙。She was stoned to death.她被人扔石头砸死了。The college boys liked to get stoned every weekend.一到周末,那些大学男生就喜欢喝酒吸毒,搞得精神恍惚。He was stoned to death for his crimes.他由于所犯罪行而被乱石砸死。A mob stoned and robbed the shops.一群暴民用石头砸了商店,并抢劫店里的货物。A post office was set on fire and vehicles were stoned by looters.抢劫犯放火烧了一家邮局,并用石头砸车。Rioters set up barricades and stoned police cars.暴徒们设置了街垒,并向警车投掷石块。They got stoned at the party.他们在派对上吸了毒,十分亢奋。Their car was stoned by an angry mob.一伙愤怒的暴民向他们的车扔石块。A crowd of demonstrators stoned the town hall.一群示威者向市政厅扔石块。Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did.寡妇被禁止再婚,如若再婚会被乱石砸死。The enraged crowd stoned the car, then set it on fire.被激怒的人群向那辆车扔石头,然后放火烧它。The enraged crowd stoned the car, then set it on fire.愤怒的人群向那辆车扔石头,然后放火烧它。The thieves were caught and sentenced to be stoned to death.小偷被抓住了,被判乱石砸死。Rioters blocked roads and stoned vehicles.暴徒们堵塞了道路,并朝汽车投掷石块。Rioters stoned the building.暴徒们朝大楼扔石头。He was stoned most of the time.他大部分时间都醉醺醺的。Cars were being stoned and fired on.汽车正被砸,并被点火焚烧。The guy playing lead guitar was completely stoned.那个首席吉他手吸毒后彻底神志恍惚了。




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