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词汇 carpenter
例句 My brother is a clever carpenter.我的兄弟是个灵巧的木匠。My father works in a carpenter's shop.我父亲在木工厂工作。I'm a carpenter by vocation, but my hobby is painting.我的职业是木匠,但我的爱好是绘画。She is a carpenter by trade.她是木匠。The carpenter is planing away at a plank.木工在使劲刨一块木板。The carpenter made sure that the wall was plumb.木匠确认了一下这面墙是垂直的。He earned his living as a carpenter.他靠做木匠谋生。The carpenter was hammering together a coffin.木匠正在锤锤打打做一口棺材。He apprenticed with a master carpenter for two years.他跟随一位木匠大师学艺两年。A good carpenter can make a cupboard to fit the most awkward space.好的木匠能做一个橱柜,就算是最难弄的地方也能安放妥贴。The carpenter banged away with his hammer all afternoon.木匠整个下午都在用锤子叮叮当当敲个不停。The carpenter put up some shelving in the living room.木匠在客厅里装了一些架子。He could wield a paintbrush but he was no carpenter.他会用漆刷,但他不是木匠。He cut his teeth as a carpenter.他是当木匠起家的。A fair employer, when arranging for the pay of a carpenter, does not try to beat him down.一个公道的雇主在商定木匠的工钱时不会使劲压价。The carpenter agreed to do the work, with the proviso that he was paid in advance.木工同意干这活儿,但以预先付费为条件。He was worse than any carpenter I know.他比我认识的任何一位木匠都差劲。Wood chips covered the floor in the carpenter's workshop.木匠工作间的地板上全是木屑。The carpenter found it child's play to repair the broken chair.木匠感到修理坏椅子真是易如反掌。The carpenter will floor this room with oak.木匠将用橡木铺设这个房间的地板。The carpenter slanted the roof to allow water to run off.木匠使屋顶倾斜以便泻水。The carpenter plies his art/craft in his workshop.木匠在他的工场里做手艺活儿。The carpenter shaved off a small amount from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.木匠将门底边刨去了一点使它正好关上。We talked to the carpenter to settle plans for the expansion of the restaurant.我们和木匠商量,定下扩建饭店的计划。He was apprenticed to a carpenter.他做了一个木工的徒弟。The carpenter decided he could do better and walked away from carpentry.木匠断定自己可以有更好的发展,所以脱离了木匠业。The carpenter I hired did such a sloppy job that I finally had to fix the roof myself.我雇来的木匠干活太马虎了,最后我还得自己动手修理屋顶。The cabinets are the work of a skilled carpenter. 这些橱柜是一个技术熟练的木工的作品。His father was a master carpenter.他父亲是个技艺高超的木匠。They are sleeping in the carpenter's shop directly above.他们正在正上方的木匠铺子里睡觉。She complained that the carpenter's work had been slipshod.她抱怨那个木匠的工作太马虎了。Hiring a carpenter is expensive and doing it yourself is slow. Pick/Choose your poison. 雇个木匠太贵,你自己做又太慢。好歹选一个吧。The carpenter screwed the hinges to the door.木匠用螺钉将铰链固定到门上。The carpenter grooved the board.木匠在木板上开槽。The carpenter rounded the edges of a board.木匠把板边修圆。The carpenter brushed the scrapings aside as she worked.女木匠一边工作一边把碎屑拂到一旁。The carpenter inlaid the furniture with intricate designs.木匠用精致图案镶饰了家具。He is a carpenter by profession. = His profession is carpentry.他的职业是木工。Arthur is a carpenter and joiner by trade.阿瑟是个专业木工兼细木工。He obtained an apprenticeship with a carpenter.他成了木匠的学徒。




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