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词汇 圆满
例句 Our trip was a resounding success.我们的旅行取得了圆满的成功。He topped off his career with an Olympic gold medal.他以一块奥运金牌为自己的职业生涯画上了圆满的句号。The victory caps off the career of a coach who's brought her team to the championships five times.这场胜利为已率领她的运动队五次夺冠的教练的执教生涯画上了圆满的句号。The end was every bit as good as the beginning.结尾比之开头完全同样圆满The movie has a happy ending. 这部电影有一个圆满的结局。I like a story with an upbeat ending.我喜欢结局圆满的小说。You've made my life complete.你使我的人生圆满The government is anxious to bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.政府急切希望使这件事情有个圆满的结局。The car ran perfectly to the finish, and we won handsomely.车子圆满地跑到终点,我们遥遥领先,赢得了比赛。I was glad the movie had a happy ending.我很高兴这部电影有个圆满的结局。We celebrated the successful accomplishment of our task.我们庆祝圆满完成任务。The victory tops off the coach's extremely successful career.这次胜利为教练辉煌的执教生涯画上了圆满的句号。The team finished their tour on a high note in Barbados.该队在巴巴多斯的巡回比赛画上了圆满的句号。The movie has a satisfyingly happy ending.这部电影的结尾很圆满,皆大欢喜。It was the perfect way to round off the season.这个赛季这样结束再圆满不过了。He wanted to end his career with a bang.他想为自己的事业画上圆满的句号。We have been ably represented in our efforts by our attorney.我们的律师代表我们圆满地完成了任务。It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers.这是个重要时刻,它使得优胜杯赛组织者的努力圆满告捷。We were under obligation to finish the work in a satisfactory way.我们有义务圆满地完成工作。The dispute was brought to a satisfactory termination.争端得到圆满的解决。Their happiness was consummated when their son was born.儿子的出生使他们的幸福得以圆满Children usually prefer books with a happy ending.孩子们通常喜欢结局圆满的书。It's a violent film with a happy ending tacked on.这部充满暴力的电影却强加了个圆满的结局。This victory provided a fitting finale to a brilliant season for the club.这次胜利给俱乐部辉煌的赛季画上了圆满的句号。His victory in the world championship capped a brilliant week's skiing.他在世界锦标赛上的胜利给一周精彩的滑雪比赛画上了圆满的句号。The new baby completed their family.这个新生儿使他们这个家圆满了。The car ran perfectly to the finish, and we won handsomely.圆满地跑到终点,我们遥遥领先,赢得了比赛。That just about wraps it up for today.这就差不多给今天画了个圆满的句号。It was the perfect finish to a wonderful day.这真是给美好的一天画上了圆满的句号。The movie has been praised by most people, aside from a few critics who have called its happy ending trite and predictable.那部电影获得了多数人的赞誉,只有几个评论家认为该片的圆满结局有些落入俗套。His solution to the problem leaves nothing to be desired.他解决这一问题的办法十分圆满The band have just completed a highly successful US tour, and several record companies have offered to sign them up.这支乐队刚刚圆满地结束了在美国的巡回演出,有几家唱片公司已经提出希望跟他们签约。There is no chance at all of a happy issue.绝无可能获得圆满的结局。To round off her education, her father sent her to a Swiss finishing school.为了让她圆满完成学业,父亲把她送进了瑞士的一所女子精修学校。The meal was the perfect ending to a great weekend.这顿饭给这个愉快的周末划上了一个圆满的句点。The story ended happily.这个故事有个圆满的结局。Winning the tournament was the perfect way to round out her career.此次锦标赛夺冠给她的运动生涯画上了一个圆满句号。In a fitting coda to his career, he served as ambassador to China.出任驻华大使给他的职业生涯画上了圆满的句号。




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