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词汇 国王
例句 The old king died after choking on a chicken bone.年迈的国王被一根鸡骨头噎死了。All people had the right to petition the king for help.所有人都有权请求国王帮助。As the King approached, photographers leapt into action.国王一走近,摄影记者们纷纷拍起照来。They prostrated themselves before their king.他们向国王跪拜行礼。The King was fenced by a group of bodyguards.国王由一群卫兵簇拥著保卫起来。He was arrested on suspicion of plotting against the king.他由于涉嫌图谋反对国王而被捕。All appointments to military and administrative posts were in the gift of the king.军事和政府职位全由国王任命。The king's benevolence was known throughout the land.这位国王的宽厚仁慈名扬天下。The King's mercy towards the rebels was regarded as a sign of weakness.国王对叛军的宽容被视为软弱的象征。The king decreed a general amnesty.国王颁布了大赦令。The king was dressed in red robes.国王身穿红色长袍。The old king was sinking fast, and drinking faster.国王的身体急剧恶化,酗酒更凶了。The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors.国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。A month later they executed the king.一个月后他们处决了国王Who will take the king's place when he dies?国王死后将由谁来继位?The king finally agreed to concede further powers to Parliament.国王终于同意向议会交出更多的权力。The king exacted severe retribution on the rebels.国王严惩叛乱者。The king was regarded as having been an enlightened despot.人们认为国王一直是一位开明的专制君主。The prime minister engaged in political intrigues against the king.首相参与了反对国王的政治阴谋。Nominally she is the king's prisoner.名义上她是国王的囚犯。While the king was abroad, trouble was brewing at home.国王出国时,国内正酝酿一场动乱。The King's oldest son is the first in succession to the throne.国王的长子是王位的第一继承人。The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations.王族家庭由国王,王后以及他们的亲属组成。The king ruled absolutely.那个国王实行专制统治。Rodrigo accepted the favours bestowed on him by the new king.罗德里戈接受了新任国王赐予他的恩赏。The king was at the apex of society.国王是社会的最高主宰。The king's subjects protested against his imperialism.国王的臣民反对他的帝制。The King's banner was flying above his tent.国王的旗帜在他的帐篷上面飘扬。Henry II was the first king to be recognized as overlord of Ireland.亨利二世是第一位被承认为爱尔兰领主的国王The king was visiting France as a private citizen.国王正以平民身份访问法国。The emperor was in residence at his summer palace.国王住在他的避暑行宫里。You're so eager to stay in the good graces of the King that nothing else matters to you.你如此急于博得国王的欢心,以致其他事情都不管不顾了。The King counted gambling as his favourite pastime, when he was not womanizing.在不玩女人的时候,赌博就是国王最喜爱的消遣。The king kept a string of mistresses.国王养着一大串情妇。They profess loyalty to the king.他们向国王表明忠心。The king's army suppressed/quelled/crushed the rebellion.国王的军队镇压/平定/粉碎了叛乱。He has long sought the life of the king.他长期以来想谋害国王He made a deep bow to the king.他向国王深鞠一躬。The King now stands on the brink of a political precipice.国王现在处于政治上岌岌可危的境地。At that time, the king could simply have his enemies imprisoned or shot.当时,国王可以将仇敌一下子关进大牢或者枪决。




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