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词汇 prizes
例句 He strove for the glittering prizes of politics.他力争在政界取得辉煌的成绩。She is one of the recipients of prizes.她是获奖者之一。It's a clean sweep; we've won all the prizes.我们大获全胜;我们赢得了所有的奖品。Whoever picks the winning ticket will win a bundle of prizes.不论谁抽中了奖票,都会赢得一套奖品。Who's going to present the prizes this year?今年将由谁来颁奖?I entered one or two competitions and won prizes.我参加了一两项比赛并获了奖。No prizes for guessing what she was wearing.一猜便知她穿的是什么。And now I have a very pleasant duty to perform. I am going to present the prizes to the winning competitors.现在我要履行一项非常愉快的职责,给获奖选手颁奖。These are the prizes given for the most outstanding British theatrical performances of the year.这些奖项将要颁发给本年度英国最杰出的戏剧表演作品。These prizes are just for starters. Other exciting offers are flooding in.这些奖只是个开始。其他激动人心的奖励还会接踵而至。In the event of there being more winners than prizes, there will be a draw.倘若赢家比奖品多,那就进行抽签。If these prizes are not in stock we will send you an equivalent gift of the same value.如果这些奖品没有现货,我们将寄一种同等价值的礼品给你。The presentation of prizes will begin at three o'clock.颁奖仪式将在三点开始。Perhaps I can offer a few words of encouragement to those who did not win any prizes this time.也许我能对这次没有获奖的人说几句鼓励的话。The host will dish out the prizes at London's Royal Albert Hall.主持人将在伦敦皇家艾伯特音乐厅颁奖。The science fair culminated in the awarding of prizes.科学博览会在授奖时达到了高潮。One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.我的一项工作职责就是分发奖品。He missed all the great prizes of life.他错过了人生所有的赏心乐事。People who adore the thrill of the chase know that prizes, like diamonds, are worth striving for.享受追求过程中刺激的人们知道,奖赏和钻石一样,是值得为之奋斗的。The lack of clear rules resulted in inconsistency in the awarding of prizes.因为缺乏明确的规则,颁奖时出现了前后矛盾的情况。He is someone who prizes truth and decency above all things.他把诚实和正派看得高于一切。I got the first pick of the prizes because I was the oldest.因为我最年长,所以有选择奖品的优先权。Mrs Cartwright said she would be only too delighted to present the prizes.卡特赖特夫人表示能颁发这些奖项真是太高兴了。Both her novels won prizes.她的两部小说都获了奖。He carried off all the prizes.他赢走了所有奖品。There are some handsome prizes to be won.可以赢到丰厚奖品。Prince Michael of Kent presented the prizes.肯特亲王迈克尔颁发了奖品。You'll be able to win prizes galore.你将会赢得很多奖品。There will be live music and food, not to mention games and prizes for the whole family!届时将有现场演奏的音乐,有各种美食,更有各种游戏等待您全家来赢取大奖!The first, second and third prizes went to James, Lytton and Tom respectively.头奖、二奖、三奖分别为詹姆斯、利顿和汤姆所得。She scored a hat trick when her last three novels all won prizes.她最近的三部小说全都获奖了,上演了帽子戏法。Hannah was the guest of honour and presented the prizes.汉纳是嘉宾并颁发了奖品。At last week's Oscars, a small number of films carried off nearly all the prizes.上周的奥斯卡颁奖大会上,少数几部电影几乎包揽了所有的奖项。No prizes for guessing where Daniel is.不用猜都知道丹尼尔在哪儿。The prizes are being presented by sportswoman Tessa Sanderson.这些奖品由女运动员特莎·桑德森颁发。The presentation of prizes and certificates will take place in the main hall.奖品和证书的颁发仪式将在大厅举行。You can enter the raffle and win some amazing prizes.你可以参加抽彩,兴许能抽到些意想不到的奖品。You can win one of our fab prizes.你将有机会赢得我们提供的精美奖品一份。The barn dance will have a country theme and there will be prizes for the best-dressed cowboys and cowgirls.谷仓舞会有一个乡村主题,而且会有奖品颁给着装最佳的男女牛仔。The children collected their prizes and then went back to their places.孩子们领了奖品,回到座位上。




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