例句 |
On the balance of probabilities, the pilot suffered a stroke before the crash.综合分析各种可能性后,飞行员很有可能在坠机前突发中风。The panel could not say, on a balance of probabilities, that the patient would have survived given appropriate therapy.依据或然性权衡的原则,陪审团不能说患者如果得到了恰当的医治,本来可以活下来。My decision that reasonable grounds existed to believe he was complicit in war crimes, was reached on the balance of probabilities.有充分的理由去相信他是战争罪的同谋,我的这一裁决是依据或然性权衡的原则作出的。I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities it is appropriate for me to return a verdict of accidental death.我确信根据盖然性占优势的原则,我宣告陪审团的意外死亡裁定是恰当的。The probabilities of crime or victimization are higher with some situations than with others.在有些情况下,犯罪或受害的几率要相对更高。These probabilities can be evaluated empirically.这些可能性可以通过实验加以验证。 |