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例句 Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth, but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets.它的圆环是从地球上用望远镜发现的,但是太空探测器后来又发现了围绕其他一些星球的壮观的圆环。The Moon orbits around the Earth.月球围绕地球运行。Real democracy develops organically around a set of shared interests.真正的民主围绕是共同利益自然发展的。A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon.一环小岛围绕著礁湖。Legislators dueled over the tax increases.立法委员们围绕增税问题展开争论。The hotel is built around a central courtyard.酒店围绕一个中央庭院而建。Working from home, she could arrange her hours round her children.在家工作,她就可以围绕孩子安排时间了。Modern jazz players like to take a theme and improvise around it.现代爵士乐手喜欢取一个主题后围绕该主题进行即兴表演。The hype surrounding the event positively invited criticism.围绕这件事的大肆渲染必然会招来批评。The debate centred around the issue of finance.辩论是围绕财政问题展开的。The journey round Bermudas demanded a high degree of seamanship.围绕百慕大群岛航行需要高超的航海技能。We're organizing the evening around a Japanese theme.我们要围绕日本这个主题组织晚会。The Moon orbits the Earth.月球围绕地球运行。A fierce debate on the tax cut was going on.一场围绕著减税的辩论正在激烈进行中。The exhibition is structured around three topics.展览是围绕三个主题精心安排的。Public funding could resolve the controversy surrounding campaign finance.公共基金能够解决围绕竞选资金引发的争议。The moon follows an elliptical path around the Earth.月球围绕地球沿椭圆形轨道运行。Some controversy surrounds the decision.围绕这一决定存在一些争论。The discussion centered on the most important question.讨论围绕著最主要的问题展开。There is a border of flowers round the lawn.草坪四周有狭长的花床围绕The city is framed by mountain ranges to the east and west.这座城市的东边和西边都被群山围绕The discussion revolved around three topics.讨论围绕三个话题展开。I don't think there should be any vindictive spirit about it.我看围绕此事不应有什么恶意。The two sides in the dispute have been engaging in legalistic wrangling.争执双方一直死死围绕法律条文不停争论。A flagged path skirted the house.围绕屋子的是一条石板路。Our intention was to demolish the rumours that have surrounded him.我们的目的是要彻底击破围绕他的那些谣言。The Paris talks will mainly be about procedural matters.巴黎会谈将主要围绕程序上的事宜。The police asked some awkward questions about where the money had come from.警方围绕钱的来源问了一些让人很难作答的问题。The debate is being conducted almost exclusively on party political lines.辩论几乎完全是围绕政党路线展开的。Rival groups have engaged in a war of words over the new law.对立集团之间围绕这项新法律展开了口水战。We can assume that the moon will continue to go around the earth until the end of time.我们可以认定月亮会一直不停地继续围绕地球旋转。The author constructs all the stories around one theme.这位作家的所有故事都围绕同一主题构思。The cheering went on for ages as the victorious athletes ran around the track.获胜的运动员围绕跑道奔跑时,欢呼声经久不息。A wandering brook meanders around the park.一条蜿蜒的小溪围绕著公园缓缓流过。Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary.许多报纸都把关注的焦点放到围绕外交部长出现的争议上。We are trying to lay to rest the myths surrounding mental illness.我们试图使围绕精神疾病产生的种种神话寿终正寝。The book is organized around a central theme. 这本书围绕一个中心主题展开。They're building a new road around the city centre.他们在修建一条围绕市中心的新道路。The American Civil War was fought between the North and the South partly over the issue of slavery.美国南北战争在一定程度上是南北之间围绕奴隶制问题展开的战争。The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.人造卫星围绕地球旋转的同时也在缓慢自转。




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