例句 |
It's strange how quickly a person's opinion can change.真怪,一个人的想法可以变得如此之快。It was the speed at which it all happened that shocked me.令我感到震惊的是整个事情发生得如此之快。It's interesting to note how quickly things have changed.看到形势变化如此之快很有趣。The speed at which everything moved felt strange.一切进展如此之快让人感觉不对劲。The haste of the decision left him bewildered.决定来得如此之快,令他迷惑不解。The speed of economic change has been so great that the tax-collecting system has been unable to cope.经济变化得如此之快,以致税收系统都应付不过来了。 |