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词汇 回信
例句 I didn't get any answer from him.我没有收到他的回信I'm waiting for an answer to my letter.我正在等候回信I wrote back and said I wasn't interested.回信说自己不感兴趣。Macmillan wrote back saying that he could certainly help.麦克米伦回信说他肯定能帮忙。I apologize for the delay in replying to you.我为耽搁了回信向您道歉。The president did not reply to my letter although I addressed it to him personally.尽管我直接致函总统,他却没有给我回信I bashed out replies as fast as I could.我马马虎虎用最快的速度写了几封回信He sent a self-addressed envelope along with the order.他把写明自己姓名地址的回信信封连同订货单一同寄去。He was clearly in no hurry to reply to our letter.他显然不想给我们回信Please don't flame me if you disagree with this message.如果您不同意此郵件的内容,也请不要给我发送恶意回信Write back soon. All my love, Maria.请快点回信。爱你们的玛丽亚。Why didn't you write back?你为什么不回信The woman wrote back by return of post, offering Hannah a job.那位女性立即写了回信,给汉娜提供了一份工作。They've written back already - that was a very prompt reply.他们已经回信了——答复相当迅速。He wrote back accepting our offer.回信接受了我们的提议。She is annoyed that he has not answered her letter.他没有给她写回信使她很生气。I got the job by answering an advertisement in the paper.我给报纸上的一个广告回信,就找到了这份工作。Please send a reply by return of post.请将回信交下班邮班寄回。She tends to be dilatory about answering letters.她往往会拖一阵子才回信I must apologise for my slowness in replying to your letter.很抱歉这么久才给您回信Have you had a reply to your letter yet?你收到回信了吗?I wrote to Donna several months ago, but she hasn't written back yet.我几个月前给唐娜写过信,但她还没有回信I will answer his letter anon.我会很快给他回信Sara wrote asking if she could help, so I wrote back and said yes.萨拉写信来问她是否帮得上忙,所以我就回信说要她帮忙。Josh, have you written back to Grandma yet?乔希,你给祖母回信了吗?Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn't well enough to write.温妮姨妈回信说妈妈身体尚未康复,无法写信。I received a noncommittal letter in return.我收到了一封含糊其辞的回信I wrote him several letters but he didn't answer.我给他写了几封信,但他没有回信He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.他马上开始给安娜写回信I've not replied to Lee's letter yet.我还没有给李回信呢。If she deigns to reply to my letter, I'll be extremely surprised.如果她能放下架子给我回信,那我肯定会感到非常诧异。They wrote back to me and they told me that I didn't have to do it.他们回信告诉我说不必那么做。She didn't really expect him to write her back.她并没有真的指望他会给她回信Please write back soon.请速回信I wrote to Franca three weeks ago but she hasn't replied yet.我三个星期前给弗兰卡写了信,但她现在还没有回信It's time you put pen to paper and replied to that letter from your mother.该动笔给你妈妈写回信了。I wrote back to Meudon at once to fix up a meeting.我马上给缪顿回信安排会面。I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, Chris Smith, pp Rebecca Collings.望你尽快回信。你真诚的克里斯•史密斯,丽贝卡•科林斯代签。She should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of her mind.她本应昨天回信,但她却忘得一干二净。 She hasn't yet responded to my letter.她还没给我回信




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