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例句 A senior army officer was held hostage for four months.一位高级军官被扣为人质达四个月。I get four weeks’ holiday each year.我每年有四个星期的假期。She had to spend nearly four months away from him that summer, instead of the usual two.那个夏天她被迫离开他将近四个月而不是通常的两个月。Can you shoehorn four of us into the back seat of your car?你能把我们四个人塞进你汽车的后座吗?It took four strong men to lift the piano.四个强壮男子才抬得动这架钢琴。After having four boys, the couple were desperate to have a little girl.生了四个男孩后,这对夫妻极其渴望生个女儿。The four men were killed after a summary trial.草草审判后,这四个人就被处死了。Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk.我们说话时,他们的四个孩子在草地上玩侧手翻。Four of his brothers had died as babies: the fifth survived.他的兄弟中有四个在婴儿期夭折,老五活了下来。We managed to squish four people in the backseat of the car.我们设法把四个人塞进了汽车后座。Line four individual metal pudding basins.四个金属布丁盆摆成一排。The driver, a father of four, escaped uninjured.司机是位有四个孩子的父亲,他安然逃脱,没有受伤。That piano weighs a ton. You'll need four men to lift it.那架钢琴重得要命,要四个男人才抬得起来。It took four men to wrestle the mattress out of the room.用了四个人才好不容易把床垫弄出了房间。I've been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub.我已经乘这条老爷船在海上航行了四个倒霉的星期。The latest tracking poll shows the Democrats leading by four percentage points.最新跟踪调查显示,民主党领先四个百分点。We usually bunk down the four little ones on a makeshift bed until we finish work for the night.晚上的活做完之前,我们通常让四个小孩子睡在临时搭的床上。Britain and Portugal have had cordial relations for more than four centuries.四个多世纪以来英国和葡萄牙一直保持着友好的关系。From what I recollect, they said four of them were coming.据我回忆,他们说过他们之中有四个人会来。Parliament will sit for four months.议会将开会四个月。They divided up the country into four regions.他们将国家分成了四个区。The Vice Chairman has a very charming wife and four children.副主席有一位非常动人的妻子和四个孩子。His car was held up and he was abducted by four gunmen.他的车遭遇拦劫,人被四个持枪歹徒绑架。Drain the pasta well, arrange on four plates and pour over the sauce.把意大利面的水分完全沥干,然后盛在四个盘子里浇上酱。The cost was divided between four people.费用由四个人共同分担。She plans to return to work in four months.她打算四个月后重返职场。Four salesmen were showing people suits and sweaters.四个推销员在给人们展示套装和毛衣。The movie is about four seemingly unconnected people.这部影片讲的是四个看似不相关的人的故事。Her mother disapproved of the living arrangements, saying that two girls living with four boys was bound to cause problems.她母亲不赞成她的生活安排,说两个女孩和四个男孩住在一起肯定会带来麻烦。The project took four months to complete.这个项目耗时四个月完成。In each methane molecule there are four CH bonds.每一个甲烷分子中有四个碳氢键。Allan fought off stiff competition from throughout the UK to win one of only four places at the college.艾伦在全英国的激烈竞争中胜出,争取到那所学院仅有的四个名额中的一个。The cabinet meeting broke up after four-and-a-half hours.内阁会议开了四个半小时之后不欢而散。We had a four-hour wait in Bangkok in between.其间我们还在曼谷等了四个小时。A thirty-five-year-old man was set on by four youths last night.一名三十五岁的男子昨晚突然遭到四个年轻人的袭击。The siege lasted almost four months.这次封锁历时近四个月。There are four distinguishable types.可区分为四个类型。There are four science sets in Year Eight.八年级有四个科学组。The next attack took place four hours later.四个小时后开始了下一波攻击。The disco bouncer threw out four drunk teenagers.迪斯可舞厅的保镖把四个酒醉的青少年赶出去。




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