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词汇 四下
例句 The boys waited until the coast was clear before climbing into the garden.男孩们等到四下无人时才爬进花园。The serenity was rent with war whoops.战斗的呐喊打破了四下的宁静。The necklace was nowhere to be seen.这条项链四下找不见了。The game was hindered by a fierce wind that swept the ball every which way.狂风大作,球被吹得四下乱跑,比赛无法正常进行。Just wash the scenery over here and there with lighter tints.给这风景画四下着上些淡色吧。The boys waited until the coast was clear before climbing over the wall.孩子们等到四下没有人时才爬过墙头。He sat up and looked about him.他坐起身来四下查看。They danced and paraded around.他们跳着舞,四下招摇。I took a look round. Where've you been?我刚才四下找了一阵子,你上哪儿去了?Colourful cushions were scattered around.五颜六色的坐垫四下散放着。People began looking across to see where the noise was coming from.人们开始四下察看,想弄清楚那声响来自何处。People were standing about , talking quietly in small groups.人们三三两两地四下站着,轻声交谈。It all looked a bit of a squash as they squeezed inside the small hatchback.他们挤进小小的掀背式两厢汽车,四下显得有点拥挤。The heavy wind made the sea break on the reef.大风刮得海水撞上礁石四下迸溅。She gazed round the church at the grey uneven walls and the vivid stained glass windows.四下打量了一番教堂凹凸不平的灰色墙壁和色彩鲜艳的彩色玻璃窗。News of his resignation was bruited about.他辞职的消息已四下传开。Four deafening explosions shattered the stillness of the night air.四下震耳欲聋的爆炸声打破了夜晚的寂静。Shop around for the best deal.四下比较,寻找最划算的交易。The skirt flares at the bottom.衣裙的底部四下张开。We arrived early at the theater and spent a few minutes looking around.我们很早就到达剧场,花了几分钟四下参观了一番。Security people were nosing around, and Cortez joined them.保安人员正在四下搜寻,科尔特斯也加入到他们当中。Widely spreading eaves extend into loggias and terraces.开阔的房檐向四下铺展,覆盖住凉廊和平台。The neighbourhood is dead at midnight.半夜里四下万籁无声。I'm going to look around and see what I can find.我去四下转转,看看能发现什么东西。Here and there a still-smouldering ember was glowing red-hot.四下还有些未尽的余火烧得通红。The detective was nosing around in the crowd for pickpockets.侦探在人群中四下探察,看有没有扒手。Fields adjoined the garden and there were no neighbours.田园相连,四下无邻。I scouted round in the bushes.我在灌木丛中四下查找。His arms were flailing in all directions.他的双臂四下胡乱挥舞着。The rain fell with such force that it bounced off a pier.雨势极猛,雨水打在桥墩上四下飞溅。It could do with a lick of paint to brighten up its premises.可用少量油彩使四下显得更亮堂。The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up.男孩站立不稳,并且起身后四下走动时步子踉跄。The clock chime struck four.时钟报时器敲了四下I could hear his voice through the crashing of the bombs.尽管炸弹四下爆炸,我仍能听到他的声音。




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